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(Aman's POV)

As I was walking away from the first exam, I felt a chakra I wish I could forget, but will allways remember. That sadistic, snake-eyed, psychopath. Orochimaru. Then my curse mark began to burn alittle. 

'But it can't be! Why would he be here? Unless..oh no!! Sasuke. I'm gonna have to keep a close eye on him. I heard Anko is the second proctor. I'll ask her to look after Sasuke.'

"Aman? Are you ok? You seem strangely quiet." 

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Kakashi.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking on how Ibiki will do the test this time," I lied with a smile.

"Oh, ok," Kakashi said not fully convinced.

(Time skip)

The first exam was finished, and Team 7 passed, and the second just started. I already told Anko  to keep an eye on Sasuke, now I just hope she actually does. I was walking to the forest of death to check how things were going, when I was stopped by an Anbu black ops.

"Aman, you need to come see this now!"

He seemed worried, so I nodded and we headed toward the Forest of Death. When we got there I could see what all the fuss was about. There were three grass ninjas, but they all had one distinct feature. Their faces were missing. My curse mark burned again, but worse.

'Orochimaru. Oh no! He's already here!'

I gasped and immediately ran into the forest, before I was to late.

I was running as fast as my legs could carry me. (Wich is pretty dang fast). I could sence Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, and...Orochimaru. I hope I'm not to late. I came across an area with broken trees, and signs of a battle. I was getting close. Then I heard it. The same cold, crule voice I always knew. I couldn't tell what he was saying, but I knew it was Orochimaru. I saw Sasuke, and standing across from him was Orochimaru. He had a lady's skin on, but it was ripped and you could see half of his deathly pale face, and sickening yellow eyes, those of a snake. My curse mark felt like fire seeping through my veins. I winced.

(Ok, so I'm about to change a pretty MAGER plot point, so don't get to mad at me. It will make sence later.)

I saw as Orochimaru stretch out his neck toward Sasuke. Oh no. He's gonna give him a curse mark! I can't let that happen!

(Sasuke's POV)

I watched in fear as this strange man stretched his neck out toward me. I closed my eyes and waited for the impact. I felt a small gush of wind, and the man's fangs never made contact with me. I opened my eyes to see, 'Gasp,' Aman-sensei!  She stood faceing me panting, wide eyed, with Orochimaru's fangs sunk deep in to her neck. I saw as Orochimaru's eyes widened when he saw it was Aman, and not me he bit. He pulled away, leaving a strange mark on her neck. After he pulled away, Aman grabbed the mark in pain, and collapsed on to one knee. I looked at her in shock.

"A-Aman-sensei! W-why did you do that?!"

She looked up at me with an expression of pain on her face, still panting.

"Because Sasuke, I promised him I would protect and look after you," she replied with a slight smirk. She winced in pain, and held the mark tighter.

'Who? Who did she promise,' I thought.

(Third person POV)

"Well, well, well. If it isn't my favorite and most prized possession, Aman," Orochimaru said while licking his lips, with his abnormally long, snake like tongue.

Aman gave him a bitter laugh.

"Ha! In your sick dreams, you sadistic creep," she spit at him, venom lacing her words. She winced again, grabbing both her curse marks in agony.

"Aww. It must hurt having two of my lovely curse marks. It's such a shame though. When you used it you had so much power," he said the last part licking his pale lips.

Aman looked at him panting, she growled and threw a Shuriken off to the side. Orochimaru smirked at her bad aim. Aman just smirked back. The Shuriken came flying at him from behind. He just barely dodged it. He then smiled.

"Don't you worry my dear. I will have the both of you soon enough. And this village will be nothing but forgotten ruble." With that he laughed and disappeared.

Once he was gone Aman winced one more time and collapsed to the ground. Sasuke rushed to her side to help her up.

"Aman-sensei, we need to get you to the hospital-"

"No! You have to get Naruto and Sakura, and finish the exam. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine,"  Aman told him with a reassuring smile.

Sasuke looked at her, concerned, then sighed and nodded. He then jumped off the tree to go help Naruto and Sakura. Aman swayed a little, then everything went black. 

"Look! Over there! It's Aman! We need to get her to the hospital, and quick! Alert the Hokage, and tell Kakashi about Aman. Go!" 

Hey guys! Sorry for the late update. I'll try to update more. Because this is when crap gets reeeaal! Shout out to Tatsuyoltsuki, my first fan!! Thanks so much to them!!

As allways vote, and comment!! Catch ya on the Dark Side🐺🌙!!

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