First Exam

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(Aman's POV)

We made it to the building and got to the 2nd floor, when we saw a crowd of people gathered around the door. There was a fight going on between some kids. I looked up at the room number. Everyone else knew this was a Genjutsu, right? I looked a Duck Butt. He noded. And stepped into the fight, and cleared up the whole, Genjutsu, thing.

He successfully broke up the fight. I got a good look at the kid who was being beaten up. 

Wait a second...HOLY CRAP!! IT'S A MIINI GUY!! He looked exactly like Guy, but..smaller. He stopped Duck Butt and this Hyūga kid for kicking each other in the face. He was fast. Yup. That's defiantly Guy's student. 

It was almost time for the test, when we were stopped by Mini Guy, declaring he wanted to fight Sasuke.

Well that's just grate, now isn't it. Now we're gonna be late. This isn't gonna end well.

Naruto then declared he wanted to fight Mini Guy, who was apparently named Rock Lee, then failed miserably. Then he and Duck Butt had a big old fight. Duck Butt used his Sharingan, and Lee used the Lotus. Then this happened:

 Then this happened:

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Is that Guy?

"What's shaken bacon!," he said enthusiastically.

Yup. That's defiantly Guy. 'Sigh' I suppose some things just don't change.

After Guy appeared on the top of a talking turtle, he got all mad at Lee for using the Lotus, then they both ended up crying and apologizing in each other's arms. And I though he couldn't get any weirder. I was mistaken. Well, I'll at least say hi to the guy.

"Hey Guy. Long time no see, old friend," I said smiling at him.

He looked at me for a moment, then he realized.

"Wait a minute, Aman?"

I smirked.

"AMAN!! MY DARLING!! IT HAS BEEN FAR TO LONG!!" he screamed while running over to me and engulfing me into a big, and very tight, hug.

"Yeah-good too," I wheezed. He let go of me.

"Aman, you have changed so much! And some how you are even more BEAUTIFUL!!"

"Look'in good to Guy."

"Sensei? Who is that beautiful women," Lee said staring at us in awe.

"Lee, this is my childhood friend, and Kakashi's girl friend, Aman," he said wiggling his huge eyebrows.

"WHAT?!" Team 7 yelled. I sighed.

"I'm not Kakashi's- you know what, whatever! We gotta get going. See ay around Bushy Brow 1, and Bushy Brow 2."

With that we left.

(Time skip)

We made it to the room. Finally. Kakashi was standing there waiting for us. He gave them a whole "inspirational speech." Then of course Naruto spoke up.

"Hey Kakashi-Sensei? Is Aman-Sensei your girl friend?"

Sakura hit him on the head, and started scolding him. I face palmed. Kakashi's eyes went a little big, and he looked at me.

"We ran into Guy," I told him.

"Ohhh," he said in realization.

"I told you guys, I'm not currently his girl friend." 

With that they left into the room.

"Not currently?," Kakashi said smirking.

"Oh shut up," I said slightly smiling.

We started to walk back, when I stopped. I felt a familiar chakra. What's happening? Were's it coming from?

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing," I said with a reassuring smile.

Like I said before, I've allways been a good liar. 

'It's not possible. It can't be his chakra. Right?'

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