Icha Icha: Oh No

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(Aman's POV)

I have been training Itachi for about two weeks now. He keeps begging me to teach him something more powerful, but I allways tell him to be patient, and I will when he's older. I also found out that Minato's wife is going to have her baby soon. 

Kakashi and I are walking down the street together, when he spots a new book in the window of his favorite book store. 

"Hey Aman? Can we go in and see the new books?"

I look at the book he's talking about, and am vary skeptical, considering it's called, 'Make Out Tactics' but I say yes anyway. When we reach the book, Kakashi opens it and starts reading. Sadly neither of us saw the warning on the back. After about a minute of reading, Kakashi turns into a blushing mess, but keeps reading. I then lean over to see what it says. I read two, just two sentences and blush hard, and rip the book out of his hands and throws it across the isle.

"NOT TILL YOUR OLDER HATAKE!," I yell at him. 

He is still dazed about what he read, and every time I catch him looking at me, he blushes hard, and looks down. I was very confused at why though.

(Time Skip)

When we got home, we both plopped down on the couch and started a movie. But half way through, I catch him lookig at me again.

"Kakashi? Why are you looking at me like that?"

(Kakashi's POV)

I can't believe I just read that. I can't believe I just enjoyed reading that!! Now I can't stop staring at Aman. But every time she catches me, I just turn red and look down at my feet. Now she's here, (Now she's here shining in the star light. Hee hee, I couldn't help myself!) sitting right next to me. She is so friking hot!! AHG! That stupid book!!

"Kakashi? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Oh, crap! I didn't even realize. But maybe now's my chance. 

"I just can't get over how beautiful you are, Aman." ('Cringe' sorry.)

Aman was now the one looking down and blushing. Yeah, now's my chance.

(Third Person POV)

Kakashi put his finger under Aman's chin, and lifted it up so he could look into her eyes. He reached for his mask. Before Aman knew what was happening, Kakashi's lips met hers. Aman was shocked, but then settled into the kiss. They completely forgot about the movie, and just sat there kissing.

(Aman's POV)

Holy crap. Kakashi is kissing me, and it feels....it actually feels really nice. I can't believe this is really happening. I am kissing the boy I have liked for 3 years. 

(Kakshi's POV)

I can't believe I just did that. I can't believe she's kissing me back! Does this mean she likes me back? Whatever it means, I don't care. It's happening. This is like a dream. And now that I think about it, when I'm with Aman, I have't thought about Rin once. I don't care about the past, or the future for that matter, I just care about the now. And right now I'm kissing the girl I have loved for 3-frikin'-years. Finally.

(Third person POV)

But little did they know, things where about to change, a lot. And it will all start with the birth of a new baby boy, and the attack of the Nine Tailed Fox. 

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