Well, Now They Know

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(Sorry for the late update. I've been on a vacation.)

Team 7 and I just got back from a mission in the Land of Waves. It was rather eventful. We ran into Zabuza, and Haku, Kakashi showed them his Chidori for the first time, Sakura did-well...nothing, Sassuke unlocked his Sharingan, and naruto used the Nine Tails chakra for the first time. We got back about a week ago, and the chunin exams were coming up. (BTW, in my version Kakashi teaches Sassuke the Chidori earlier then in the show.) Kakashi has been teaching Sassuke the Chidori, and I think he got the hang of it, and Kakashi and I, recommended Team 7 for the exams. They'll be fine. Probably.

(Aman's POV)

I was on my way to go see Kakashi and Sassuke, when I heard a familiar voice yell, "CHIDORI!" Yup I think I found them. They were in the arena, with the Hokage watching over their training. I came running in.

"Hey guys! How's the training going?"

"It's-umm, going allright," Kakashi replied. Then I looked at Duck Butt and saw what he meant. He looked absolutely exhausted. 

"Whoa. What happened to Duck Butt?" Sassuke glared at me for calling him that.

"Nothing. I'm fine," he said in a annoyed tone. But I could tell he was not fine.

"Sassuke, you've been over working your self. You need to relax."

"I won't relax 'til I get this right! I don't have time to relax."

"If you don't, you're going to pass out of exhaustion!"

"You don't even know why I'm working this hard! So why don't you just leave me alone!"

"Oh yeah! You don't think I know! Well gusse what! If you keep working like this you'll never be strong enough to beat him! And you'll lose if you try!"

I could tell that hit a spot.

(Third person POV)

The Hokage, and Kakashi were vary surprise at the fact 'Kage' knew about Itachi, and they could tell this wouldn't end well. Sassuke got really mad at what 'Kage' said. He started to power up his Chidori. He ran at 'Kage.'

"AAAHHH!!" he yelled.

'Kage' smirked. She got into a stance Kakashi recognized.

'There's no way,' Kakashi thought, as he watched Sassuke run at 'Kage.'

As Sassuke got closer, Kakashi and the Hokage got more nervous, until Sassuke was about to hit her, but then......... 'Kage' ripped the Chidori right out of his hand. 

Kakashi's eyes went wide and he ran up into the railing. The Hokage was just as surprised.

'There's only one person I have ever seen use that move,' Kakashi thought.

'Kage' stood there, Chidori in hand, with Sassuke blown to the ground on the other side. She walked over to him. She stood above him, a shadow cast over her eyes.

"Well, why don't you just kill me then," Sassuke challenged her.

"Simple.....I don't kill."

That line made it click in Kakashi and the Hokage's heads.

'Aman,' they both thought.

'Kage' smirked, crushed the Chidori, frightening Sassuke, and looked up at Kakashi and the Hokage.

"So I'm gonna guess you both figured it out," she said in her normal, deeper voice. 

They all watched in shock when a poof of smoke surrounded 'Kage', clearing away to reveal, a girl with longish dark raven hair, a grey off the shoulder crop top, with fishnet around her midsection, tan safari short-short, with ninja tape wrapped around her thigh, the Leaf village head band wrapped around her right wrist and hand, black ninja shoes, and a diagonal scar across her whole face. She had dark blue, wolf like eyes.

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