Training With Shika

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(Aman's POV)

We were in the middle of a game of shogi, when I made the final move and took his king. He obviously wasn't beaten very often, and was shocked when I won.

"Wha-how did you?!" he exclaimed.

"Let me tell you somthing, Shika," I started. He blushed alittle at his nick-name.

"You're not looking at it right. Yes, you plan 50, or 100 moves head, but you're only looking at it straight. You're only going through the enemy, when you could just go around. Ya' see, I found a way around your defenses, not through them," I explained. He nodded.

We played another game and I won again.

"What?! I don't understand," he said, rather annoyed.

"Would you like me to explaine?" I asked. He nodded.

"You're looking at it in to big of a picture. You're focusing on trying to take the pieces, when in reality there's only one you really need to take. The king. Look at what I did. I the 'Battering Ram,' technique. I used these pieces to get through your defense, and sacrificed them, then used this last piece to take out your king. Because in  the end, it doesn't matter how many troops or soldiers you have, if your opponent kills your leader, you're done. In other words, if you cut the head off the snake, the snake can't move. But you won't need to use this technique until the far future," I explained to him. 

"Ok, I see. But what can you teach me for the exam?"

I smirked.

"Come with me," I said standing up.

(Time skip)

 "So why are we at the training grounds, Aman-sensei?" Shika asked.

"I'm gonna to teach ya' how to use your surroundings," I told him nonchalantly. 

"What do you mean?"

"Here, stretch your shadow possession jutsu as far as you can." He did so. It reached about 5 meters.

"See, that's not very far," I told him.

"I'm gonna assume you already know that you can extend you jutsu by using other shadows," I continued.

"Umm, yeah. But I've never really done it," he replied.

"Here, let me show you." I used shadow posession jutsu, and extended it with the shadow of a tree. 

"Wow. Wait-how do you know the shadow possession jutsu?! It's only in the Nara clan?!"

"That's not important. Let me show you a cool trick you can use in battle," I told him trying to change the subject. He seemed not to care all that much anymore. "Here can I see your shirt?"

He turned red.

"Your vest I mean," I corrected, rolling my eyes.

Still blushing, he took it off and handed it to me, leaving him only in a fishnet t-shirt. I tied the vest around a kunai, and threw the knife into the air. The vest parachuted, and I used it's shadow to extend the jutsu.

"That's what you do if you have no shadows around you. Get it?" I asked.

"Yeah. That's a pretty nifty trick," he replied. 

We trained for the rest of the day, taking constant brakes, watching the clouds, considering we were both pretty lazy. We started to walk back to his house when the sun was setting. We were laughing as we walked. I think we both knew we would get along just fine.

"Same time tomorrow? You're a fun shogi opponent," I told him when we reached his house.

"Yeah, that would work for me. And your better at shogi than Asuma-sensei, that's for sure." I laughed at his comment.

"Well see ya' tomorrow, Shika," I said turning around, waving.

"See ya', Aman-sensei," he said waving back.

'Good kid. He'll sure go far. Just like this whole new generation,' I thought as I walked down the softly lit streets of Konah. 

I'm on a role with new chapters!! I hope you liked this one! Shikamaru is my 3rd favorite Naruto character. I'm also almost to the Naruto Shippuden episodes were my 2nd favorite character dies!!!😢 ITACHI!!! Why, Kishimoto?!! WHY MUST YOU TAKE EVERYTHING WE LOOOOVE?!!😭😭😭

Anyway, as allways vote, comment, and share!! I really appreciate it! Catch ya' on the Dark Side!!🐺🌙

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