Rant Page

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I'm sorry but this isn't a chapter. This is a rant page. Because there's some stuff I REALLY need to rant about, and this is the best way to do it. 

WARNING: If you're a Sasuke fan SKIP THIS CHAPTER! But if you're like me and REALLY HATE the guy, then feel free to keep reading.😊

                                                                        (SO TRUE!!😂🤣)

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                                                                        (SO TRUE!!😂🤣)

So I just watched the episodes were Itachi dies.......'sniffs' I died inside, and sobbed on the outside.😭😭😢 WHY KISHIMOTO?!! WHYYYYYY?!! Anyway, so I just really need to rant about that PIECE OF CRAP, they named Sasuke.

So let me get Sasuke's logic straight...you just learned you're brother was actually an AMAZING person, that died for his village, peace, and most of all, you, then after learning this you make it your new life goal to destroy the vary village he died for? WHAT THE CRAP IS THAT ALL ABOUT?!! LIKE SERIOUSLY SASUKE!! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?! IT MAKES LITERALLY NO SENCE AT ALL!!

Itachi was an amazing character that had, what I call, a perfect death, then they just have to go and ruin it by making the person he died for, a crappy idiot. He gave up every thing for Sasuke. His family, his village, his freedom, and his chance of any happiness. And Sasuke just had to be an idiot and want to distroy the Leaf Village. I just-I don't... 'Sigh'  I just don't get it. 🤦‍♀️

But despite everything his brother does, Itachi still loves him. That is what you call a good character. May he Rest In Peace.

"He accepted disgrace in place of honor, and hate in place of love. But despite that, Itachi died with a smile on his face,"- Tobi

 But despite that, Itachi died with a smile on his face,"- Tobi

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