The Nine Tailed Fox

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(Third Person POV)

Aman can't stop thinking about what happened yesterday between her and Kakashi. Their kiss. How his lips felt on hers.


Aman was snapped out of her day dreaming when she heard her student, Itachi, say her name.

"Huh? What? Oh yeah. Yeah kid?"

"Aman-sensei, what's wrong? You've been distracted all day."

"I haven't been distracted."

"Yes you have. You've been day dreaming this whole time. I was trying to get your attention for five minutes," Itachi said matter-of-factly.   

Has she really been day dreaming about Kakashi this whole time?

"Did something happen between Kakashi and you?"

"What?! No! I don't know what you're talking about."

"So something did happen. What happened?"

"I don't-I mean-he didn't. UGH! 'Sigh' How did you know?"

"You spend all your time with him. And I see the way he looks at you," Itachi said, almost sadly. "So what happened?"

"Alright fine! He kissed me! Ya' happy?!"

'Well not any more,' Itachi thought. "Oh. Ok. Good for you two."

"You know what! Why are you even asking this! You should be training!"

Itachi laughed at Aman's flustered ness, and went back to training.

(Time skip. Aman's POV)

We were heding back to the village, and it was past sun set, when I saw Kakashi running toward us.

"Aman! There you are I've been looking for you everywhere!"

"Kakashi! What is it? What's wrong?"

"The village it's under attack! And Kushina (Minato's wife) is having her baby!" 

"What?! Who's attacking the village?!"

"A Nine Tailed Fox demon! Come on! We need you're help!"

I was hesitant. The last time I saw a tailed demon...well I was the demon. I don't want to see that again. But I nod anyway.

"Ok. Just let me get Itachi home first, and I will come. You go help Kushina!"

"Aman! You'll be ok right?"

"Of course I will. Now go!"

Kakashi ran up to me and kissed on the lips through his mask, then nodded and ran back to the village. I stood there for a second, then keeled down to Itachi's hight. I could tell Itachi was afraid. He looked at me with fear in his eyes.

"Itachi, don't worry. I will protect you, no matter what. You're like a little brother to me Itachi. You'll be alright."

(Time skip. Aman's POV)

I managed to get Itachi to let go of me when we got to his house. I was now running to help the town. As I was coming upon it, I saw a sight I wish I could forget.

People running, and screaming. Fire everywhere. Death everywhere. It was all to familiar. 

As I watched in horror. My breathing got heavy, and I started to feel dizzy. I couldn't keep my balance any more. I fell to the ground, and the last thing I heard before I blacked out, was Kakashi screaming my name, and the last thing I saw was him ruining to my side, and the Nine Tailed Fox.

Then the darkness came over me, and I was out.

The Girl Who is Death's Apprentice (Kakashi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now