The Dorobo: Thief

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Aman had finally decided to teach Itachi a more powerful jutsu. The Shurikenjutsu. 

He's been working on it for weeks, but just can't get the hang of it

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He's been working on it for weeks, but just can't get the hang of it. He works day, and night, even when Aman tells him to rest. He just wanted to show Aman he was strong, and can do it. No matter what.

He failed again. He's so close, but just not close enough. He started to get mad. 

"AAAHH!," he yelled angrily.

He had to do this. He had to show Aman-sensei. He tried one more time. But this time something was different. He could see better, he could see where the kunai knife would go. This time he did it perfectly. Then he realized, that he now had......the Sharingan. 

'Wow. I have to show Aman-sensei!,' Itachi thought.

(Time skip. Aman's POV)

Itahci said he mastered the Shurikenjustu. That would be incredible! I suppose I will believe it when I see it. He said he wanted to show me, and I want to see this for myself.

He brought me to the opening in the forest, with the boulder in the center, and where the targets where. He told me to watch, then closed his eyes, and jumped into the air, spun around, threw the kunais, and they each hit the target, not at bull's eye, but hit it. Amazing! Then I realized something. I looked into his eyes and saw 'Gasp,' the Sharingan!

Then I got a strange feeling. Almost like a....bloodlust. 

I was very confused but this. I congratulated Itachi, told him that he did amazing, gave him a hug, and went to see the Hokage. I needed to know what was happening to me, and if anyone would know, it would be him.

(Time skip)

I knoked on the Hokage's door. I heard a 'Come in,' from the other side. I went in and saw the Hokage sitting in his chair, smoking his pipe.

"Hello Aman. What can I do for you today?"

"Umm, somthing rather strange just happened to me, and I wanted to see if you would know what it is."

"Of course. What happened?"

"Itachi unlocked his Sharingan today, and when I saw that...I got a very strange some kind of-I mean-almost like...a..bloodlust. For h-his blood."    

The Hokage looked shocked.

"So it's finally happening," he said.

"What? What's happening?"

"Your kekegenki, the Dorobo."

"My what-? The what-?"

"It is about time you know, Aman. You will be 14 soon, and so you need to know. Every 500 years, there is a child born with this gift. The Dorobo. It is considered a kekegenki, but appears in various clans. The Dorobo is the single most powerful kekegenki in existence. It gives the user the power of any other jutsu, power, and even another kekegenki, with the taste of another's blood. For example, if you were to taste Itachi's blood, you would receive the power of the Sharingan, and all it's different forms. And if you were to taste a user of the Fire Ball jutsu, you would be able to do it as well. You would have to work on the moves to perfect them, but with alittle practice you could. The Dorobo makes it much easier, and faster to perfect them. The 4th Hokage found out there was a child born in the Okami clan bearing the mark of the Dorobo. That child was you Aman. We couldn't see it at first, but after hearing what clan you were from, and watching how powerful you were, and how fast you learned, Minoto figured it out and told me. You, Aman Okami, are the bearer of the mark. The bearer of the Dorobo."


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(This is the Dorobo symbol and she has it on her back.)

Aman just stood there shocked. 

'Why me? What if people find out? Will they come after me again? What will happen?' All these questions flew through Aman's head. But she only asked one.

"Would it hurt Itachi if I used the Dorobo on him, and tasted his blood?"

"No, do not worry, it would not."

She sighed in relief. What will she do now? Should she act on it? She made up her mind. Any time she got the chance, she would act on it. 

"Thank you for telling me all this Lord Hokage. It means a lot."

(Time skip)

She put on a brave face for Kakashi and Naruto, but was still afraid. What if people got to the ones she cared about, to get to her? She wouldn't let that happen. Not again. This time she will protect them.

"Hey Aman. We just finished- hey? Are you ok?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, of course," she replied with a smile.

She had allways been a good liar. 

TA DAAA! I'm really sorry for the late updates!😬 I've been on a camping trip. Tell me in the comments bellow if that is what you thought the Dorobo would be. And if not tell me what you thought it would be. (And for some reason I just love that last line.) Aaanyway. As allways, vote, comment, and follow! Catch ya' on the Dark Side!!🐺🌙

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