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I paced around my room, trying to calm down.

"Idiot Ming, stupid asshole." I threw myself on my bed only to stand up seconds later. Did he really leave?

He wasn't downstairs when I walked into the living room. His car wasn't outside the house either. This asshole really left.

"Did you two have a fight?" I turned to see mum watching me.

"Something like that. He's just so unreasonable sometimes."

"What did you two fight about?"

"About mov...oh it's not anything you should worry about. Hahaha." This isn't how I want to go about telling her. What do I do about idiot Ming? I wonder if he'll come back.

"You look worried. Why don't you go after him?"

"Why would I go after him? He went and got mad on his own. He's like a child, throwing a tantrum to get attention."

"Children usually try to get attention from people they know and like."

"I don't know. I think I know him well but sometimes I don't like how much he loves me. He's so possessive and jealous..." I looked out the window again. He's really gone.

Tsk, I collected my keys from the tray by the door and quickly made my way to my car. Mum stood by the window watching me as I drove off.

Two parking spots. I thought he got that so one would be for his guests or something. Now I know he got two parking spots, so I'd use one. I paced in front of the door before placing my copy of the key card on the lock. The living room was dark when I walked into the apartment. He should be here; his car is in the lot.

Ming was sitting on the couch with his head leaning back, starring at the ceiling when I flipped the lights on. I sat on the other side of the couch, starring at the dark screen of the 80-inch tv mounted on the wall.

"Ming..." I started when the silence begun to get uncomfortable. "...I know you know I haven't been playing with your feelings. I'll talk to my parents when I get back home so...can you stop being unreasonable?" He didn't move, and he didn't answer either, not for a long while.

"Why haven't you told them till now?"

"Well..." I can't lie to him. "...I've been scared. I'm still scared about how they might react. I'm scared they might not accept our love."

Again, he was silent for a while before he slowly placed his head on my lap. He turned his face into my stomach and nuzzled before speaking.

"You promise you'll talk to them when you get back?"

"I promise. Don't do that, it tickles." He didn't listen. He nuzzled again until I pushed his head away. He almost fell off from the force but he caught himself in time then his head was back on my lap, his face plastered to my stomach again.

"Kit, your body...did you ga..." He stopped in the middle of his sentence, but I knew where he was going with it.

"My body what? Say it if you want to die." I gained a little weight in the last two months. He knows I've always been sensitive about weight gain.

"Umm...no, nothing. I love you." He sat up and kissed my chubby cheek. "It's not bad. You've only lost some of the lines and I bet I'm the only one who can tell."

"Are you saying I'm fat?" I grabbed his ears and shook him.

"Ah ah ah, Kit I'm sorry. You're not fat, okay?" I let him go. "You're just a little fluffy and I still love you." He grabbed my hands when I tried to get a hold of his ears again.

"Let go so I can hit you once."

"No. Do you want me to come with you when you tell your parents?"

"Huh? Umm...no. I'll do it alone."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Okay." He kissed my chubby cheek again. "I missed you." He kissed my lips. I parted them to let his tongue in and wrapped my hands around his neck. We maneuvered on the couch until I was straddling his lap. He rubbed one hand on my back and placed the other on the back of my head, deepening the kiss. I stopped him when he tried to take my shirt off.

"What's wrong Kit?"

"What's wrong? You just called me fat."

"I didn't. You're the one calling yourself fat. You're not fat, okay?" He slipped his hands underneath my shirt and run his fingers over my almost one pack stomach. I blame all that free food. "See, no fat. Now can you let my hands go? I want to continue. Your lips look inviting when you pout." He kissed me again. "Do you want to see the bedroom?"

"No, I saw it last time."

"Are you sure? I don't remember showing you anything except the bed."

"And are you going to show me more than the bed if I follow you in there?"


He kissed me again before flipping my back onto the couch. With my arms still around his neck, I slipped one hand into his hair, running my fingers through, feeling the silkiness of it. He removed his lips from mine and kissed every inch of my face, down to my neck.

"Mmmnn..." He slid down my body and pushed my shirt up. I shifted uncomfortably. Maybe I should stop this until I'm able to get some workout in...but my impatient lover already had the buttons and zipper on my pants undone. "M-ming...w-wait..." He grabbed my hands when I tried to push his head away. He nuzzled my upper hip then kissed it. "Ahh...w-wait..." He pulled me up, so I was sitting and pulled my shirt over my head, stopping at my wrists, and tightening them so my hands were trapped together.

Why am I not putting up a fight? I don't want him to see my chubby body. "Mmnn...M-Ming." He pushed me down until I was lying on the couch again. My hands were trapped above me, and his mouth was trailing kisses down my neck to my pink fleshy studs. I kept my hands above me even after he let go off my shirt.

He yanked my pants down and off before going back to trailing kisses down my abdomen, down my happy trail till he sucked my hardened member into his mouth. My hips trembled at the warm sensation, one I hadn't felt in over two months. I couldn't help but move my hands from above my head onto his head. My fingers tightened in his hair when he sucked me deeper into his mouth. My head thumbed against the soft couch when my neck jerked from the sensation.

"Mmnnn...ahhhh...Mmmiiinnngg..." My moans got louder when he pushed my thighs up and moved down to my balls, then even lower to my twitching hole. My body twisted this way then that way, wanting to pull away yet wanting more of the feeling of his tongue licking me there.

I didn't realize what he was doing when he slid me off the couch until my knees touched the marble floor. "No, Ming wait wait, stop..." I twisted around quickly to face him, just in time to stop him from thrusting into me.

MingKit - One✅Where stories live. Discover now