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Maybe I misheard him. "I don't understand. B-but you told him about us years ago."

"That's why let's elope. Come on Kit." He tugged on my arm again, but I was frozen to the spot in front of my tiny closet.

"Wait, did you tell him we are engaged?" I grasped his other hand nervously.

"I had to, but he wouldn't hear it. He believes my dating you was a phase and now he wants me to get over it and do the responsible thing." His words which dripped with sarcasm and bitterness, pierced my heart.

"You're not going to do it, right?" I didn't disguise the desperation in my voice.

"Of course not. Let's go."

"No, wait, what if I talk to him? M-maybe I can..."

"Forget it Kit. I'm not letting you anywhere near that old man. He'd only say things that would hurt you."

"What about your mum? Can't she talk to him?" I asked desperately. The last thing I want is Ming's dad to get in the way of Ming's and my happiness.

"She said she'll try but I don't know Kit. Let's go somewhere and get married, just you and I."

"And do you plan to quit working in your father's company? He might even disown you. I don't want you to be estranged from your family because of me. I would never have met you had it not been for them. So, can we stay and think of a way to convince your dad?" I gave my most pleading look.

I believe this is the best way to go. Just running away and getting married would put a permanent stain on our love. It would forever make me feel sorry toward his family, but more importantly toward him. He is their only child.

Ming wouldn't listen, he still insisted it would be better if we just eloped. I spent all night trying to convince him, even then it didn't work. I went to work  sleepy eyed the next day, Ming was still holed up in my room when I got back. He didn't go to work neither did he leave his phone on.

After one week I got a call from Yo, asking if I know where Ming is because he's mum hasn't heard from him all week and he hasn't been to work. I knew all that already, but I let him explain it before I told him Ming was with me.

Ming stayed holed up another week. All he wanted to do was eat, have sex, sleep, and try to get me to run away with him. I indulged him in everything except running away. I couldn't help but wonder if this is how it's going to be once we start living together, I would die if we have sex almost every day. It's only been two weeks and I'm ready to kick him out of my bed.

Into the third week, I got a call from Ming's mum saying she, with the help of Yo's dad, had talked his dad into agreeing to consider our relationship but he'd first like to meet with me and I had to bring Ming along. I didn't need much convincing, for me this was a chance to get his family to know me. I didn't tell Ming where we were going, I dragged him into the bathroom, washed him, helped him shave and then dragged him to my car.

"Where are we going?" I was holding on to his arm, pulling him toward the parking lot.

"You'll see." I could lie to him and tell him I'm taking him to go see a movie but lying would only upset him which is why I tried to be as vague as possible instead.

Then he wouldn't get out of the car when I parked in front of his parents' house.

"Kit why did you bring me here?"

"Your mum wants to see you."

"How would you know?"

"She called me. Let's go in there and see what she wants, please." I stepped out of the car and opened the passenger side, urging him to step out.

"No, the old man is in there too. I'm cutting all ties with him since he doesn't want me to be with you." He act's like a spoiled child sometimes but I've never seen him act this spoiled.

"Your mum doesn't want you to cut ties, that's why she wanted to meet and talk. Give it a chance before you make such a huge decision. You're their only child, I'm sure that would count for something. Come on." I undid his seatbelt and pulled him out by wrapping my arms around his waist. After tirelessly getting him out of the car, he wouldn't move when I tried to drag him by the arm into the house.

"Kit I really don't want to go in there. I won't be able to control myself if the old man hurts you." I stopped my effort of trying to pull him into the house and turned to him. He leaned against the car door and looked down at me.

"You don't know that for sure. Let's listen to what he has to say first, please."

"I don't..."

"Ming, as long as I have you, as long as you and I are together, there's nothing I can't shoulder."

"Kit, even if you can take it, I don't want to knowingly put you through pain. I love you too much to watch you suffer." I held his face in my hands before speaking.

"I know. I love you very much too and I don't want to go through any pain either but if it's one that will help us stay together, I would go through all the pain in the world." I pulled his face down to mine and touched my lips to his. "Let's go talk to your parents." I kissed his lips again, longer this time.

I jumped when I heard someone clear their throat loudly. We were caught kissing again, in front of a house, this time not by my brother but by an older version of Ming.

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