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"Hey, are you waiting for someone?" I just had to ask. She's been standing outside my dorm for hours. She was here when I walked out of the dorm during lunch time. I just got back from the library and she's still here. It's been at least five hours already.

"Huh?" She blinked at me, uncertainty clouding her face.

"Are you waiting for someone?"

"Ah... yeah..." She still looked like she wasn't sure I was talking to her.

"How long have you been standing here? I saw you earlier, didn't I?"

"I'm not sure...maybe..."

"Have you tried calling the person you're waiting for? Your legs must hurt from standing out here so long."

"I called him, but his phone must be dead." Her voice was so soothing and soft. I'm sure my heart would skip a beat if Ming wasn't already in it.

"Why don't you go and come back tomorrow?"

"Huh? Oh, I really need to see him though." Her voice was so soft I had to lean in closer to her to catch what she was saying.

"Did he know you were coming to see him?"

"Well...yes, he did." If he knew and didn't show up doesn't that mean he does not want to see her? I mean, if he was going to show up he wouldn't let her wait for about five hours and not call. Is she clueless or something?

"Maybe he got caught up doing something? Why don't you go and come back later? Or wait at home until you're able to get in touch with him."

"Ah, I don't know P'..."

"Then why don't you wait in the foyer? Looks like it'll rain soon." She gave a distressed sigh before glancing at her phone.

"I think I'll just go back to my room for today. Umm...thank you P'."

"Okay...hey watch out." She stumbled and would have fallen had I not caught her. "Are you okay?" She stood up straight and gave me an embarrassed look.

"I'm sorry P'. I think my legs fell asleep. They feel a bit numb. Thank you for catching me."

"That's all right. Where did you park? I'll help you get to your car."

"Umm..." The mortified look on her face had me feeling a little embarrassed. "I don't have a car." I don't know why I assumed she owned a car. Maybe it's because she looked so posh. Her clothes looked expensive, she smelled expensive and she spoke like a young miss from a prominent household. Her articulation and manner were akin to that of one who had attended a super expensive private school or had a really expensive tutor of some sort.

"I'm sorry for making assumptions. Where do you live?"

"On the east side of campus. It's the last dormitory on that side."

"That's a bit far, isn't it?"

"I came in a taxi, I'll just take one back." She hobbled as she attempted to walk to the main street. It reminded me of that time I over did it at the gym. If Kas hadn't helped me, I may have had a hard time getting back to my dorm.

"If you'll wait in the foyer for a minute, I can give you a ride. It's on my way to the gym." I said that to her without thinking. But she did look defenseless though and with the rain...who knows how long it'll take her to get a taxi around here. It's a gentlemanly thing to do, I think.

I helped her shuffle to the foyer and had her wait while I rushed upstairs to get my gym bag. She stumbled a few times as I helped her to my car. Quite frankly, I was tempted to carry her several of those times, she seemed so dainty. I didn't do it though. By the time I pulled up in front of the dorm the lady pointed out to me, it was raining. I handed her the umbrella I keep in my car and sent her on her way.

While I was changing into my sleeveless t shirt, in preparation for my routine workout, I got a text from Ming saying he'll stop by my place later. About time, I didn't see him all day yesterday. So far, our sex life has been reduced to quickies here and there. The most embarrassing was when he picked me up from my faculty during lunch time and drove me straight to his dorm. We did it at the door then we walked right back out to his car after we were done. I didn't know what to tell my friends when they asked me why my stomach was growling even though I'd just come back from lunch.

I was about twenty-five minutes into my routine when Kas walked up and stepped onto the treadmill to my left. Someone else was using the one to my right.

"Hey Ai'Kit." I told him he could be informal with me, but I still address him as Khun Kas. I just can't bring myself to be informal with him.


"Go on, say it."

"Say what?"

"Why don't you want to call me P'?"

"I'm not comfortable with it just yet."

I'll probably never call him that. Like always I managed to steer the conversation away from why I don't want to call him P' to something I was more passionate about, pediatrics. We made small talk about the last topic we'd studied in class on Friday.

"But when you put it that..." Kas slipped and nearly fell off his treadmill as he tried to give me more insight about his experience with autistic children. I stopped my treadmill like he did.

"Are you okay?" He looked shaken but that was about it.

"Huh? Ah, yeah...I thought I saw someone..." He had a weird look on his face. "...I'm probably just imagining things." He looked out the glass window of the gym, craning his neck. "I have to go. I'll see you later."

"But you just got here."

"Ummm...actually there's something I forgot to take care of...so I'll see you in class on Monday. Don't overdo it."

"Okay." I wonder what bug bit him to have him leave the gym when he'd only been here about ten minutes. I looked around, wondering what he'd seen that reminded him of what he might have forgotten to do. Well it's none of my business, I'm too excited about seeing Ming to care.

"Kiitt, I missed you." Ming threw his hands around me, hugging me close to his body. I'd just gotten out of the shower after coming back from the gym.

"Hey, let go. I can't breathe."

"Did you miss me?"

"Maybe. Have you eaten?"

"Yep but I'm still hungry."

"You should have said something. I would have gotten you food, unless you're okay with the snacks I have in the fridge."

"No, I'm not hungry for that sort of food. I'm hungry for you."


Really stupid, not even a quickie. He fell asleep as soon his body touched the bed and here I was, excited that we would at least get to talk. The only comfort I got was from when he pulled me into his arms as he slept.

Ming had already left when I woke up the next day. I stayed indoors for most of the day. I only left when I got hungry during lunch time and she was standing outside the dorm again today when I got back about an hour later."

"You're back. Does he know you're here this time?" I stopped on my way in to make small talk.

"...Y-yes..." She sniffled her reply.

"What happened to you?"

"N-nothing P', I was waiting to return your umbrella. Thank you for helping me out yesterday."

"Um okay, take care of yourself then." I didn't want to get involved in whatever this was. I took the umbrella from her, but she grabbed my hand as I turned away from her and started bawling. What am I supposed to do with this? I can't take her to my room and people walking by would think I made her cry.



A/N: 'twas getting a bit long.

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