part 1

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"I really don't think you understand what you've done this time." Jimin was bitter. He sat on their shared bed, arms crossed over his chest, huffing and puffing about Hoseok's latest screw up. But Jimin had every reason to be upset.

Sure, Hoseok had messed up. But he was trying. God was he trying.

"I told you I'm sorry, Jimin. Just tell me what I did now. I hate seeing you cry." Hoseok sat beside him on the bed, attempting to wrap his arms around his boyfriend's waist, only to be shrugged off.

"If I have to tell you, it just makes it worse." Jimin retorted. "It's whatever, Hobi. Just leave me alone, okay?" he whispered.

Hoseok's heart fluttered slightly; he thought that since Jimin used his nickname, everything was okay between them.

So, sure, he would give Jimin space and let him talk when he was ready. He squeezed Jimin's shoulder before getting up and leaving their room, instead going to the kitchen of their dorm.

He heard music start up in their room, knowing Jimin had turned it on. Jimin always listens to music when he's alone, no matter what he's feeling. It made Hoseok happy whenever he caught Jimin with his headphones in, eyes closed, head moving to the beat.

However, this time he frowned, an uneasy sensation settling in his stomach as he realized what Jimin had turned on.

"Don't wanna fall in love" by KYLE was now blaring from their room, and Hoseok could only assume Jimin was trying to drown out the sound of his sobs. The walls aren't that thin, but if you try, you can hear a lot of what's going on behind closed doors.

Hoseok leaned against the counter and sighed, not knowing what to do at this point.

Jin walked into the kitchen and was taken aback, surprised to see Hoseok.

"Oh? You're in... here?" Jin asked, eyebrows knitting together as he looked from Hoseok, to the directiom of his bedroom, bedroom and back.

"Um? Yeah, why?" He asked.

"I mean, the music is never that loud in this house unless you two are—well you know what I mean. I figured you'd be celebrating or something" Jin shoved past a motionless Hobi to get to the fridge.

"What do you mean celebrating? What did I forget?" Hoseok asked.

"Oh my God, Hoseok. Really?" Jin using Hobi's real name was rare. To everyone he was just Jhope, hope, or to Jimin, he was Hobi.

"You forgot? And now Jimin is crying, right?" Jin sighed. "It's your sixth month anniversary. You seriously didn't remember?"

"Today is? But I—I didn't think it counted unless it was a year." Hoseok whispered, looking at his feet. "Well, maybe I can go get him something now—what should I get?" He asked, frantically looking for his wallet and keys.

"Nothing," Jin grabbed his elbow. "Because getting him something now would only make it worse. What you need to do is go own up to it, sincerely apologize, and stop screwing up."

They stayed quiet for a second until Jim spoke up again

"Maybe to some people it doesn't count. But you do know Jimin, don't you? He loves you so much, Hoseok, he'd celebrate your every week anniversary.

Hoseok sighed, "He doesn't want to see me right now. He doesn't want to see anyone."

Jin shook his head in disapproval. "Fine, I'll go see him."

Jin made it to the hallway outside of Jimin's room and prepared to knock, when he saw the door already open.

He glanced in, seeing a blob in the bed—which was undoubtedly Jimin rolled up in the blankets—and a figure sitting above him, which Jin could tell was Yoongi.

Jin pressed his lips, not wanting to interrupt, and left.

"Just tell me what's wrong?" Yoongi smoothed Jimin's hair, running his fingers through it to keep it off his face. Jimin had cried so much his whole face was red and wet, and he was burning up, but he refused to move.

"It's nothing." He buried his face deeper in his pillow.

"Listen. You might not want to talk to me, but I'm not letting you suffocate yourself." Yoongi pulled Jimin up to instead lay across his lap.

Jimin was known to be dramatic at times, it's just his nature. He's a romantic who was hopelessly trying not to fall in love with Hoseok. He loved him, yes, very much. But he wasn't in love with him—at least not yet. He knew that he would only get hurt if he did. And today was just a prime example.

He wasn't even crying over the fact Hoseok forgot everything anymore. He was crying because he realized this is his life, and this is what his future will hold if he doesn't put an end to it.

"You're thinking pretty hard, hm?" Yoongi asked.

Jimin just nodded.

"Well if you want to talk it out, I'm right here, Jiminie." Yoongi said.

Jimin looked up, meeting his eyes. He wanted to talk to someone. He wanted to let it all out. But he thought maybe it was too soon.

"I'm just upset. I'm sure it'll blow over."

Yoongi scooted to lean his back against the headboard, pulling Jimin closer.

"Jimin, if you're this upset over something, I don't think just 'blowing over' will be enough. I think you have to face this problem to make sure it's stopped. I—" Yoongi stopped, stealing a glance from Jimin's red, tired face.

"I hate seeing you so upset." He whispered.

Jimin just nodded in return, his eyes closing slowly. He'd cried himself tired, and now he was sleeping on Yoongi's lap.

Jin came by a few minutes later to see how Jimin was, but instead saw him sleeping on Yoongi, so he slowly crept in as to not wake him up.

"How is he?" Jin asked, sitting on the desk chair.

Yoongi shrugged, "He won't talk to me. He's bottling it up, hyung."

Jin looked to Jimin again to make sure he was asleep.

"Hoseok forgot their anniversary." Jin whispered, his heart breaking even saying the sentence. If it was anyone else, he'd tell them that it was okay, that there'd be more anniversaries. But Jimin truly loves love, he loves cute romantic things, cheesy love movies, proposals, all that.

It hurt Jin to see Jimin this way, but his heart was also hurting for hoseok. He knew Hobi was trying his hardest. But he also knew Jimin wasn't having

Yoongi shook his head. "I'll kill him. Literally everyone knows Jimin loves that stuff. Hell, I hate love and lovey things, but if my boyfriend liked that kind of thing, I would go out of my way to give him what he wanted." Yoongi said, glancing at Jimin.

"Maybe we should get Hoseok out of the house for the night. That way Jimin will feel more comfortable if he feels like talking to someone." Jin suggested.

Yoongi nodded. "Get Kook and Tae to take him somewhere and give them money for a hotel or something."

Jimin stirred, rolling over in Yoongi's lap. Yoongi pulled the blanket over Jimin since he'd cooled down, and tucked him in, but Jimin turned around again, trying to get comfortable.

The two boys watched him in silence.

"There is a carnival in town this week, the maknaes would enjoy that." Jin continued.

Jimin sat up sleepily. "A carnival?" he asked groggily, looking at Yoongi.

"Do you want to go?" Yoongi asked.

Jimin's face brightened and he smiled, nodding.

Yoongi couldn't find it in himself to say no, so he got up. "Alright, get changed, we'll leave when we're ready."

Yoongi glanced at Jin, who nodded and followed him into the hallway.

"So, I'll take Jimin—"

"Namjoon and I will take care of Hoseok. You take the kids." Jin grinned. "And Yoongi, take care of my Jimin. He may not be the youngest but he's my baby."

"Of course, Jin. I always look out for my little Jiminie." He said before skipping off to his own room.

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