part 5

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~~slight smut warning btw~~
also remember there's going to be angst so if you think something is going to happen a certain way, you never know!
also I haven't edited this to the fullest but i need to publish

"Jimin," Yoongi spoke up, gaining his attention. "How are you feeling right now? Like, emotionally."

"I'm okay, really I am." Jimin said, the kitten nuzzling him, asking for his attention again.

"Really, Jimin, I just want you to know that I'm here. Seeing you so tore up the other night. It really took a toll on me. I want to help you, I want to be there for you." Yoongi reached across the table and took Jimin's hand in his own.

"It's okay. I've decided that I'm just never going to fall in love, and that way I'll never get hurt again." Jimin gave a sad smile and Yoongi could tell that that wasn't what Jimin really wanted.

"You know that isn't true, Jimin. You love love. You love romance. It's just who you are. Real love isn't supposed to hurt. You'll realize that, and you'll find someone who will never ever hurt you, who will love you unconditionally." Yoongi's grip on his hand tightened.

"Someone who will want to show you off to the world, who wants to kiss you in public and hold your hand and-and buy you your own calico kitten! Someone who will one day return the favor of you bringing him coffee every day."

Jimin swallowed. "Yoongi?"

Yoongi's heart was racing. "I don't know Jimin, I just needed to say those things."

Jimin leaned across the table, his hand lightly grazing Yoongi's cheek. He looked from Yoongi's eyes to his lips, but then he leaned back into his own seat, his face a firey red

"Let's go home, Jimin."

The younger nodded and followed Yoongi back to his car. He had a hard time concentrating on the road, now that his feelings were very real and very obvious.

He stopped at a red light and looked over at Jimin, placing a hand on his thigh.

Jimin blushed a furious red and turned to Yoongi.


Yoongi just looked at his face for a few seconds before Jimin told him to go since the light changed.

"You sang really well today. Thank you for singing with me. I was thinking about using your vocals for Tony Montana." He spoke up finally.

"What? You waited forever to have Yankie's vocals for Tony." Jimin turned in his seat.

"I like yours better." Yoongi shrugged. It was like he had this overwhelming feeling to compliment Jimin every chance he got, to make sure he felt loved and appreciated.

The two rode the rest of the way home in silence, making their way back inside, only to realize nobody else was home yet.

"I'm gonna put on a movie after I change. You're welcome to join." Yoongi told, going upstairs to change.

Jimin nodded, going to put some sweats and an oversized shirt on, coming back downstairs and plopping on the couch, stretching out.

Yoongi picked up Jimin's head and sat it in his lap, playing with his hair while turning on a movie they'd seen a hundred times before.

"Feels good, hyung." Jimin mumbled as Yoongi's long fingers brushed through Jimin's hair and along his scalp. He loved when people played with his hair.

"It does?" Yoongi asked

"Mhm," Jimin hummed, eyes fluttering closed

It was an innocent answer, but Yoongi couldn't help the fact his sweats felt a little tighter.

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