part 8

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ok, i promised you guys a chapter today so i'm gonna try to make this a damn good chapter.

the reason i haven't been as active lately is because summer really depresses me & i always get really discouraged and unmotivated. next month will be the one year anniversary that i left my abusive ex boyfriend and i haven't been in a relationship since then. it's really taken a toll on me, but anyway. okay i hope you enjoy this chapter <3

it was a known fact that Hoseok was gone today to work on his mixtape that would be dropping soon. SO, even though all Jimin wanted to do was crawl up in his lap and cuddle him, he couldn't. .. and he was left in the care of--

"Jimin?" Yoongi spoke softly, holding out a cup of coffee for the younger.

"Thank you." Jimin took it and sipped lightly, savoring the strong coffee with the sweet sugar, and Yoongi even remembered his hazelnut creamer.

"Hey Jiminie—"

"I think we need to talk, Yoongi." Jimin whispered, taking his coffee to Yoongi's studio, where he locked the door and turned so he was facing away from Yoongi.

"Okay? what's up, Chim?"

Quite honestly, he wasn't sure where to begin. With Jungkook, he just blurted it out because he was worked up. But now that he's calmed down, it just felt so overwhelming. He took a deep breath and set his coffee down gently, sinking down into the fluffy computer chair that belonged to the elder boy.

"From this morning I-- I bet you heard some things that you don't quite understand, so I thought I should tell you. About myself--the real Jimin."

Yoongi looked to the boy who was visibly nervous-- shaking slightly, going pale, and his forehead had become glossy with sweat.

"Min Yoongi, I, Park Jimin, am a little."

No, too weird.

"I'm a little." Felt too blunt.

"be my daddy"  Was too forward... and uncalled for.

Jimin groaned out of confusion.

"Jimin?" Yoongi asked softly, "are you are a little?"

Jimin looked up, tears threatening to fall from his eyes as he nodded.

"Yes, and it usually only happens very rarely, but lately with so much stress it's just so easy to slip into my littlespace and turn off the world. It just relaxes me." Jimin played with a string that was hanging from his jeans, avoiding eye contact with Yoongi.

"It's okay, Jiminie. It's who you are. And who you are is perfect."

Jimin looked up to see a genuine smile on Yoongi's face.

"No. Don't do that."

"Wh-what?" Yoongi asked, taken aback.

"Don't come at me with that right now. I'm hurting, Yoongi. My heart actually hurts over losing Hobi and I don't know why. He still means so much to me and I don't want to get myself into anything else right now."

"Jimin I didn't mean to upset you, I just wanted to tell you. You really are perfect, Park Jimin."

"Well, thanks Yoongi hyung, but I don't think I can do emotions. Not now, not tomorrow, and not ever. I'm done with love, I'm done with relationships, I'm done with everything." Jimin's tears finally fell, and Yoongi immediately moved to sit beside of him, pulling him close.

"I'm sorry you're hurting so bad Jimin, and I'm sorry I was so selfish that I might have played a part in this, too." He whispered, soothing the boy.

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