open letter

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right i know i said no more ans but this ones important

thank you guys for the copious amount of reads, i will forever be grateful.

as of late, i have been completely 100% unmotivated. and not just with writing. i've been slipping deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole.

i havent been well, not mentally, not physically. but im working on it. i havent been sleeping, i havent been eating. everything makes me to exhausted and weak and idek.

anyway enough about me.

i just want to say, please take time for yourselves. take time for self care. drink water, get sunshine, sleep well. please take care of yourselves. read a really good book, watch a fascinating documentary. ask a friend how they're doing today, make sure they're truly alright.

please be kind to one another. i love you all.

the last part of the epilogue will be out soon. i'll try.

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