part 9

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jimin woke up in his bed, covers pulled tightly around his waist as the a/c blasted. The room was cool, but the blanket kept him warm, just the way he liked it. He smiled to himself before opening his eyes. He was big Jimin again, but still very much enjoyed the feeling of soft, warm blankets on his cool skin.

"Hobi," He called in his tired voice, hand running along the sheets until it found an empty spot.

Jimin's eyes opened and found himself alone, causing his euphoria to dissipate completely within a matter of seconds. He sat up, pulling on some different clothes before going downstairs.

"Hobi?" He called again.

"He went to the store, should be home soon. Wanna play?" Tae asked from the floor, controller in hand.

"Where's Kook?" Jimin asked, his boyfriend and best friend both missing from the scene.

"Went with 'seok." Tae patted the space beside himself, and Jimin decided to join.

"Aha! Beat you again!" Jimin triumphed, sipping at his juice the two had taken a break for about twenty minutes prior.

Tae yawned, covering his mouth, "What time even is it?" he asked, tossing the controller aside, a part of his aching to have his own boyfriend back by now.

But, at least he'd done as he was asked, and kept Jimin occupied.

"Not sure," Jimin peered to the window, the sunset peeking through the curtains.

Hmph, where was Hoseok?

"Well, what do you want to do now?" Tae asked.

"Where is everyone else?"

"I don't know. I think Joon and Jin went out to dinner or something, and I haven't seen Yoongi."

"Ugh, I'm bored," Jimin threw himself on the couch.

"Yah! I'm right here!" Tae scolded.

"I know! I just mean, i miss Hobi," Jimin pouted.

"They'll be back soon."

"Wanna go get ice cream?" Jimin asked, picking up his phone.

after a few seconds of consideration, Tae shrugged,

"How 'bout a movie?"

"Sure," Jimin shrugged. "I'm gonna put some pajamas on, i guess. you pick the movie."

Jimin ran upstairs and slipped into a pair of sweats, and one of Hobi's shirts. Since the two had decided to work on things, Jimin couldn't stand the thought of being separated. He hated it, to be exact. So wearing his shirt would have to do for now.

He joined Tae back in the living room, some movie already playing as he got comfortable on the couch.

They hadn't even gotten halfway into the movie when Tae got a text causing him to throw his head back and whine.

"What's up?" Jimin asked, concerned it may be Hoseok.

"Kook accidentally slipped while he was out with Hobi, and now I have to go get him." Tae sighed, going to change clothes.

"Oh, c-can I go?" Jimin asked timidly.

"Yeah, go change." Tae said. Sometimes Jimin swore Tae was years older than him, even though he was younger.

Jimin jumped at his words, changing into some jeans but leaving Hoseok's shirt on, waiting in the living room for Tae, slipping his shoes on.

The two got into the car and Tae checked his messages to see where they would meet up. Jimin was adamant on staying with Hoseok and "never leaving his side again."

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