⚠part 6⚠

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Ok a lot of smut in this one & I think it turned it pretty good (I hope)
So lemme know what u think?

Also sorry if you didn't want yoonmin but I promise it's still a jihope story just wait. (I can have 2 OTPs ok?)

"b-but papa, i'm horny." He whined

First of all, papa? Yoongi had never heard Hoseok called papa before, especially not from Jimin. Sure there were a select group of fans who called them "daddies," But never papa.

Hobi just laughed. "I'm sorry, Babyboy. You have to take care of that yourself from now on. Even in littlespace, I'm sorry."

Yoongi clenched his jaw at the fact someone else was calling Jimin babyboy, even if Hobi was his... was Hoseok Jimin's... daddy?

Jimin groaned, rolling over so he was laying down on the couch. "Bu'—bu' I wan' papa!" he was speaking like a baby now, not finishing his words, undoubtedly slipping littler and littler.

"Jimin, I'm going to bed, you better hurry up and snap out of it." Hoseok said in response, sounding slightly annoyed now.

Yoongi decided now was a good time to leave the kitchen—he didn't like the fact that he could tell Hobi was getting upset over something Jimin couldn't control—so he flipped the light off and walked back to the couch, where Hoseok was crouching beside of Jimin.

"He alright?" Yoongi asked innocently. He didn't want them to know he was eavesdropping.

"Yeah, he has a headache. I'm trying to get him to go to bed, but he won't move." Hobi answered.

He wasn't upset they were lying to him. Honest. He understood that it was a big secret, and Jimin would come around when he felt comfortable.

"Oh, well, I'll make sure he gets some rest if you want to go on to bed. It's late and you have work tomorrow." Yoongi told.

Hobi looked to Jimin, who's eyes were closing. He nodded and stood up. "Thanks, goodnight hyung. Just- just be gentle with him ok?" Hobi looked to the smaller boy on the couch. Yoongi could see the hurt that filled Hobi's eyes, and he nodded.

Yoongi sat beside of Jimin and just admired him. It was like finding out this new fact about Jimin made him like him even more. He thought it was so cute.

Jimin was making little noises, eyes still closed. Yoongi smiled, thinking it was just cute baby noises, but then he realized Jimin was palming himself, eyebrows knitted together.

Yoongi didn't know what to do. Stop him? Help him? Just leave?

He opted for the last option, but before he could get off the couch, Jimin looked over.


Yoongi's heart clenched at the new nickname. He then realized that maybe this is where 'Hobi' really came from; jimin in littlespace and not pronouncing Hoseok correctly could have turned into Hobi, since the two never really told the full story of how he got the nickname.

"Yes baby?" Yoongi asked.

" 'm hurts. yoonie h-help minnie?" he whined.

Yoongi wasn't sure how Jimin could be so cute and innocent, yet so hot and desireable at the same time.

"I don't know Jimin, are you sure—"

But Jimin was already straddling him, lips attached at Yoongi's neck.

fake love {JiHope / HopeMin}Where stories live. Discover now