thank you

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firstly, thank you. this story is at almost 2k reads and I'll never have the words to express my gratitude.

I know my writing has gotten a lot better, but I haven't been writing as much. college has kept me busy, as well as personal matters I've gone through this year.

it's a little hard to write this paragraph but , I almost ended my life. I know that's a lot to hear,  or maybe it's not idk.
but I'm still here. and the mere fact that (for the most part) people enjoy my story, brings me joy, if even for a few minutes.

so thank you again for coming this far, for giving my story a chance and for the kind words.

there have been some harsh comments, some messages that I just had to ignore.

so maybe when the time is right, maybe I'll edit, revise, and rewrite parts of this story.

I love you all. my messages are always open

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