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hii i'm back! epilogue time <3

Jimin couldn't focus on the meal in front of him. He kept one hand in his lap, and his other occupied Hoseok's, who was engaged in conversation with the people around him. It seemed as if all sound had died out, and his vision was going darker.

"Jimin? Aren't you going to eat?" Hoseok asked, turning away from his conversation to check on the younger.

Jimin nodded, picking up his fork and digging into the plate of meat and vegetables, careful not to drop it on himself; Hoseok may kill him.

The hand holding his squeezed reassuringly, which made Jimin relax more into his seat, finally looking up to the scene around him.

The long table, covered in a white, lacy tablecloth, vases of flowers sat in the middle every so many inches. The sound of talk and laughter filled his ears once again, and the soft dining music was calming. Hoseok sat to his left, with Namjoon to his left, and Yoongi to the far left. Jungkook sat to Jimin's right, with Tae to his right; Jin was somewhere in the kitchen, as he insisted on preparing the meal for the big event.

This was it. The reception. Jimin had just gotten married to his best friend, his boyfriend, his husband.

He couldn't help but smile, looking up at Hobi, their matching tuxes that Hoseok insisted on, paired nicely with Jimin's favorite flower on their pockets.

"I love you," Jimin whispered, only to be greeted with a small peck from Hoseok

"I love you too, now please finish eating so we can dance." He chuckled.

When it was time for their dance, Yoongi sat at the piano, playing an "River Flows in You," which he dedicated to the newlyweds. It was beautiful, really. There were dim yellow lights, causing a honey-like glow on their already honeyed skin. They held each other tightly, swaying to the calm music, Jimin resting his head on Hoseok's chest, trying not to let any tears slip past his eyes.

Hoseok placed a tiny kiss on the top of his head as the song was ending. Releasing each other, they invited others to the dance floor, so the party could begin.

"Wait," Yoongi spoke up from the piano.

Jimin's heart dropped. Nothing had happened between the two since the whole thing went down, which was over a year and a half ago by now. Jimin and Hoseok opted for a long engagement, neither of them wanting to rush into anything.

Well, except for one night, about three months ago.

Nothing happened, but one night after the Hyungs went out drinking, Hoseok went to bed early, too tired to stay awake. Yoongi found Jimin in the kitchen making a late night snack.

Yoongi slid behind him, snaking his arms around Jimin's waist, resting his head on Jimin's shoulder.

"Yoongi?" Jimin asked quietly, "please get off."

"Mm, i miss you, minnie." He mumbled.

"I'm sorry, Yoongi. Please go. You're drunk."

"I'm not. Please talk to me."

"Yoongi, off." Jimin shrugged him off, turning to face him. Yoongi reeked of alcohol and smoke, no doubt he had snagged a cigarette from someone at the bar- a habit he only picks up when drunk.

"I'm going to kill them for letting you drink so much. they're not even half as drunk as you." Jimin hissed, pushing one of his best friends away from his body.

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