part 3⚠

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⚠slight warning. i'm not at the violence part yet but there are mentions of emotional abuse which may trigger certain feelings for some people.⚠

"Jimin, you've said multiple times tonight your fish is a boy, and you're insistent on that fact. So why are you getting pink rocks?" Yoongi asked.

Jimin was determined to buy the pink rocks. "You look good in pink, Yoongi hyung, so why can't he?" Jimin asked, being stubborn.

Yoongi just sighed and waited on Jimin to pick out all the decorations he wanted. A tiki statue, fake plants, and a tank that was probably three times the size he needed, but "Incase I want more fish later on," Jimin insisted.

Once finished, they settled back into the car. Yoongi didn't have the heart to tell Jimin that these fish usually only live a few days, maybe a few weeks after they're won, but something else did strike him.

"Hey Jimin," he spoke up, the younger turning his head to face him. "What if Hoseok doesn't let you keep him in your room, or what if he makes you get rid of him totally?"

Jimin froze. It wasn't the first pet he'd attempted to bring home. He loved cats and dogs and animals of all sorts, but Hobi had always turned them down. It wasn't that Hobi hated animals, he just knew that having a pet was a lot a responsibility, and he didn't want Jimin to endure the heartache that came when a pet dies. They weren't always home, and he wasn'r sure if Jimin would always remember to feed them.

"Yeah, but this—this is a fish. All I have to do is feed him and keep the tank clean. I'm sure he'll let me keep him." Jimin swallowed, trying more to convince himself than Yoongi.


"Jiminie, you're home. Did you have fun?" Hoseok immediately ran to his boyfriend, who hugged him back halfheartedly.

Admittedly, Jimin was still hurt, but he was going to push through. Maybe he could use this to keep his fish.

"Yeah, I really did." Jimin glanced back at Yoongi, who was helping carry in the fish accessories.

Hoseok followed his gaze and saw the tank, glanced back at Jimin.

"Jiminie? What have you done?" Hoseok asked.

"I won a fish a-and I knew he would die if I left him in the bag overnight. You know how they are, um, I just love him so much already and—and I really want to keep him, and you can't make me get rid of him." Jimin tried sounding confident, but when it came to Hoseok, for some reason he seemed to have an effect on the younger.

"Baby, what have I said when it comes to animals? They're too much work, and I just don't think—"

Jimin cut him off. "It's just a fish, Hoseok. What harm is it going to cause you? Nothing, right? He isn't yours. He's mine." Jimin said, avoiding eye contact, just watching the little guy swim around.

"Now I need to transfer him to his new home, and if you don't want it staying in our room, then I guess there is no our room anymore, and I'll take the spare room." Jimin mumbled, getting up.

Everyone sitting around had gone quiet, and Hoseok especially was shocked.

Jimin knew he was overreacting, but he didn't care. He was trying to make a point.

"What just happened?" Hoseok asked, exchanging glances with everyone, except Yoongi, who had already gone after Jimin.

"Jimin, what was that?" Yoongi asked, leaning against the kitchen doorway.

Jimin was carefully pouring the bags of pink rocks into the tank as it filled with water.

"Do you seriously love that fish more than him? That you would risk your relationship over a goldfish?"

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