part 2

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Once dressed and ready, the four of them piled into Yoongi's car, with Jimin in the passenger seat.

"Now, a couple of ground rules for the carnival." Yoongi started, but an argument erupted in the backseat.

"Hyung, tell him to give back my chocolate bar!" Kook complained as Tae took a bit from the milk chocolate.

"If either of you get that on my seats you're both dead." Yoongi glared in his mirror.

"Now, rules. We are using the buddy system, two of us stay together always. Tae and Kook, you're together and I'm with Jimin. Cell phones are to be on full volume and if I call you, you have to answer. If you get lost, call me and we'll meet somewhere. And if you get hungry, I'll give you money for food, but food only. We aren't playing those stupid games, they're rigged to take money." Yoongi went on.

"You sound like a crazy mother." Tae said, giving his half eaten chocolate back to Kook.

"That's Jin, thanks." Yoongi grumbled.

Jimin's phone began to ring and Yoongi glanced over.

"It's Hoseok." Jimin whispered, and he turned the radio down to hear better, pressing the phone to his ear.


"Where are you?" Hoseok asked, sounding irritated.

"Yoongi hyung is taking me to the carnival." Jimin stated.

"Just you? Why are you two going to the carnival together?"

"Kookie and Tae are coming too." Jimin sighed. "It's not just us."

Jimin tried to whisper, but Yoongi still heard.

Hoseok was jealous of Jimin and Yoongi's relationship. They'd always been close, and Hoseok hated it.

"Whatever Jimin, but if anything happens—"

"Nothing is going to happen to me, Hoseok. Maybe I'd be going to the carnival with you if you didn't hurt me so much. Yoongi is just trying to cheer me up and you're accusing me of trying to cheat on you. You're the one who forgot our anniversary!" Jimin raised his voice into the phone, the car falling silent.

"I don't want to hear it, Hoseok. My friends are trying to cheer me up from your mistakes. I don't need this right now." Jimin hung up.

Yoongi was surprised. He'd never seen Jimin act like that. Usually whenever he gets mad, he just gets quiet and wants to be alone. He never lashes out like that.

"I'm just tired of it." Jimin sighed, resting his head against the window, almost reading Yoongi's mind.


"Please, let's just go have fun."

The rest of the ride was pretty quiet except for the occasional bickering from Tae and Kook, but they eventually made it and Yoongi paid for his and Jimin's arm bands, and Tae paid for his and Kook's.

"So, whenever you guys get hungry, let me know and we'll eat." Yoongi told before they separated.

"Where to first?" Yoongi asked Jimin, who only shrugged.

"How about starting with something small?" Yoongi asked, sensing Jimin was scared.

Jimin nodded and started walking towards the big bears. You sit inside of it and they spin around, and you can spin your individual cart, too.

Yoongi was following him when a crowd went by and shoved past Jimin, knocking him to the side. Yoongi couldn't find see him and started to panic.

But before he could yell his name, Jimin shoved by and went back to Yoongi.

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