part 4

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please read A/N at the bottom!!

Tae had woken up and made his way to the living room, his messy hair sticking up in every direction, followed by Kook.

"Well good morning." Jimin greeted the two who just smiled in response.

Jimin was trying to think of what he wanted to do today, since they had a little bit of time off, but something caught his attention.


Tae and Kook were whispering in the kitchen and it sparked Jimin's curiosity. He knew what his hyungs had told him about eavesdropping, but he couldn't help it. He was a naturally curious boy. So, despite his brain warning him that it was wrong, Jimin crouched outside of the kitchen entryway, listening closely.

"What are we even going to say? 'It just happened?' They're our friends." Taehyung said.

"I know, but would you rather keep lying to them?" Kook asked him, and the fridge opened, a few noises made their way to Jimin's ears.

"No. I hate lying, especially about this. Especially about—" Taehyung was cut off by the sound of a crash coming from a room on the downstairs floor.

Jimin stood up instantly, running over to the door that used to be his, and opening it.

"Hobi?" he croaked, seeing a flustered looking Hoseok standing over a piece of pottery that Jimin had made him a few months back.

"Jimin, I swear it was an accident. I was just moving some things and it fell." He mumbled, dropping to pick up some of the pieces of the clay.

"It's okay." Jimin said, just watching as Hobi desperately tried picking up the pieces

He left Hobi's room only to find the kitchen empty and the door to Yoongi's studio was open. So now he'd never know what was going on between the two youngest.

He sighed, giving up on doing anything today, when Yoongi stepped out of his studio and called his name.

"Yes, hyung?" Jimin stood up.

"You wanna record in a little bit? I'm gonna set up my microphone and everything and, yeah." Yoongi asked, situating the cap on his head.

"Okay, sure." Jimin grabbed the piece of paper Yoongi had printed out for him.

Tae and Jungkook walked out of the studio at that time, talking about something that Jimin couldn't hear.

"Hobi hyung is taking us back to the carnival." Tae told Jimin cheerfully.

"Cool, don't get sick again, Jungkookie," Jimin warned, "I'm recording with Yoongi hyung today."

"Have fun," Kook shot Jimin a glance after Tae walked away, and Jimin furrowed his eyebrows, unsure of what to think about it.

"Be safe my little babies, Joonie and I are heading to Ilsan for a few days. Don't try to cook unless it's Yoongi, and do not burn the house down. Don't fight or argue. Yoongi is in charge and—Jimin! Where's my Jiminie?" Jin came down the stairs, frantically looking for Jimin, who stood up at the sound of his name.

"I'm here," he walked over to the eldest, who scooped him into a tight hug.

"My precious Jiminie, if you need anything at all, call me, I don't care what time it is. I'm always here, baby. Be safe, okay? Keep an eye on your hyungs, please, and keep an extra eye on your maknaes."

Jimin nodded at his words, and soon enough, Namjoon came down the stairs carrying two duffel bags before he slipped out of the door with a wave goodbye.

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