epilogue pt 2

369 19 1

first of all-- 300 reads?! I LOOOVEE you guys <3  (edit - i'm still working on this and we're at 377 reads!?????) <3 <3
i think, if you guys want, i'll face reveal if this story every hits.. say? 1k??? i've done a face reveal before for my friend but i deleted the pics (i didnt want to delete the precious comments)
ok, continuation of the eilogue!

"hello?" Jimin answered.

"jimin? it's me, I'm back. and we need to talk."


Hoseok was busy in the living room playing Skyrim for the third straight hour.

"Yeah. can I come over?"

"uh, I guess. you have the address?" Jimin was hesitant. he knew they needed to work things out but he was also afraid.

"yeah, Namjoom gave it to me. don't be mad at him."

"ok, yeah. we're home."

after hanging up, jimin plopped on the ground and rested his head on Hoseok's shoulder.

"Yoongi is on his way." He mumbled. "He wants to talk."

"it's okay," Hobi rubbed Jimin's thigh to reassure him, "it's just talk. and if anything happens, we can tell him to leave. it's our place." Hoseok grinned playfully, causing Jimin to grin.

"thanks, hobi."


two of them sat around the small dining room table, Yoongi had just arrived and jimin was kind of freaking out.

"Thanks for giving me a chance to come over and explain." He spoke up 

"You don't even have to say anything because well, this is kind of a long story."

Jimin nodded and Hoseok returned with sprite for himself and yoongi, and juice for jimin-- who wasn't feeling little, just a little more needy than normal.

"Basically,  when we all decided to move in together. I didn't think it would be a good idea. I mean, I love you guys, but we're all different people. I figured it would go wrong. but it didn't. for years, we made it work. until just recently. You see, I've kind of been dealing with something ever since debut days and I never really told anybody, other than one or two of you."

Yoongi took a deep breath.

"About two or three years ago, before you two ever made anything official, before you even told us, I was going through something."

He seemed so reluctant to share, but he knew he needed to. he pinched the bridge of his nose between his eyes and avoided looking at them.

"Okay whatever. I had feelings for Jimin, and I didn't know why. until then, I'd always considered myself straight. never had any feelings for any guy before. but- ugh anyway. I hid it, I didn't want to burden any of you. I kept it a secret for as long as I could. I thought I was sick or something. and then when you two told us you were together, I got upset because I never did anything first. I secretly resented you and I shouldn't have."

Yoongi paused to take a drink, the younger two left speechless.

"And then when you started having problems, and kind of broke up and Min and I kind of-- well, you know. I felt guilty. it was like all of the emotion from way back then came back. and it was almost like I did it out of spite. but listen to me, I promise I'm done with all of that. the trip I went on, I was in therapy. I messed myself up, so I needed to get myself back on track. I dealt with my sexuality and my anger and grudge issues. I'm finally ready to accept myself for who I am, and i hope you forgive me."

He finished, looking down at the table.

Jimin was the first to make a move, making his way to hug Yoongi, quickly followed by hoseok.

"I forgive you." Hoseok spoke up first. "It takes a lot to do that, help yourself. I'm glad you were able to work it out."

"I forgive you, too." Jimin told.

"Thank you guys. I'm sorry something so stupid came between us."

Jimin finished off his juice and yawned, leaning his head on the table, checking himself out of the conversation.

Yoongi frowned. Had he made a mistake, barging in like that? Was the apology not good enough?

"He didn't sleep well last night." Hoseok told, and Yoongi nodded. Jimin must be feeling kind of little, that's all. 

"It's okay. hey, we really miss you guys at home.. if you ever wanna come back for a visit or anything?" Yoongi suggested, looking around at the open space, thinking about the two empty spaces that now filled his home.

"yeah, it's not like we're never coming back or anything." Hoseok smiled wistfully, walking Yoongi to the door before gathering Jimin for a nap on the couch.

He laid him down carefully, the friction of his arm pulling Jimin's shirt up, exposing his bellybutton.

Jimin giggled, pulling it back down further than it needed to go.

"Uuhhh oohhhh," Hoseok exaggerated, sensing Jimin's current state of mind "is that my little boy??"

Jimin just nodded, scrunching his face up.

As jimin rolled over to lay on his stomach, hoseok's hand found his back and he started rubbing it softly-- jimin always loved the feeling. it soothed him and often put him to sleep.

"take a nap, sweetie." Hoseok told, but it only caused jimin to start fussing

"wait! wait, no sleepy yet, not before--"

"not before what?"

"My kisses!!" Jimin wailed, handins grabbing for the older

"baby, shhh, you'll get your kisses." hoseok instead pulled Jimin into his lap so he was straddling him.

he kissed Jimin's nose, each cheek, his forehead, his chin, and then his lips. and his lips again, and one more time for good measure.

Jimin fell forward, laying so they were chest to chest and Jimin's head rested in the crook of his neck.

"We'll nap together." hobi whispered, feeling sleep wash over himself as well.

Jimin's hands clasped behind Hoseok's neck, and he took in the older's scent. it was warm and welcoming.

Hobi had just started drifting, his breathing shallowing out, when jimin spoke up again.


"yes, baby?" he asked in his tired voice, eyes still closed.

"can we go on a trip?"

"a trip? where?" with eyes still closed, he knitted his eyebrows together, feeling jimin shift around on his lap

"somewhere cold.. i miss the snow." jimin's voice was sad, and it was enough for hobi's eyes to open and his arms to fix around jimin.

"of course we can. we still have a few days off."

jimin smiled at him, "can the guys come too? i kind of miss being around them."

"i'll ask them. but how about we finish our nap okay?"

jimin nodded, but he stood up. "can we lay under blankets please?" he asked, but was already walking towards their bedroom, knowing hoseok would comply.

the two got comfortable once again and fell asleep in each other's arms, jimin dreaming of his winter wonderland and hobi just dreaming of being with jimin, no matter where they decide to go.

a/n: this one is short but i wanna compile the last bit of the epilogue together. thanks so much for reading <3 i'll see you in the next (final final) chapter!


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