epilogue 3 : the answer

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though everything may seem perfect, it might not always be. in fact, maybe nothing is perfect.

maybe everything is crumbling down as we speak.

Jimin and Hoseok were able to get everyone to a nice, snowy resort, just as jimin had asked for.
but it was far from happy.

Jimin had slept nearly the entire plane ride there, so he didn't have to witness anything.

Jungkook and Tae had been fighting since the previous day, when they were packing. it was over the stupidest little things. every little thing set them off, to the point that jungkook stayed with Jimin and Hoseok last night.

but it had gotten even worse today.

it seemed the pressure had gotten the better of Namjoon and Jin. both of them cracking every time it came time to make a decision. it was too much for them, trying to settle every little argument, trying to keep their friends in check.

Jungkook ended up switching seats with Jin.

it was quite an awkward plane ride

jimin, hoseok, and Yoongi in one row, Namjoon and Jungkook in the row across, with a stranger, and Jin and Taehyung in the row up front with another stranger.

Yoongi had been extra quiet today, crnaky, and claiming he didn't want to talk about it.

it seemed as though Hoseok and Jimin were the only two truly happy.

well, until jimin woke up, about 15 minutes until landing time.

"Hobi, I'm hungry." He mumbled.

"We're getting ready to land, we'll eat at the airport."

"Why didn't you wake me up when the food carts came around?" He pouted softly.

"because you were sleeping--"

"which is why you should have woken me up."

Hoseok knew that Jimin was just cranky from his short amount of sleep. He'd barely slept last night and planes aren't exactly comfortable.
so he'd try to keep his cool. for the sake of everyone.

once landed, they tried finding a restaurant they'd all agree on... which of course didn't go well. why would it?

jimin and tae wanted mcdonalds, Jin and Jungkook wanted burger king, Yoongi wanted starbucks, Namjoom wanted "real food" and Hoseok just wanted peace.

after deciding to just split up the group, everyone ate, and met each other at the cabin Hoseok rented.

Snow flurries were beginning to fall as it was getting darker and Hobi smiled. who could be mad at each other with a view like this--

"Well maybe I don't want to room with you!" Taehyung yelled, a door slamming.

Hoseok frowned.

"What's wrong Tae?" Jimin asked from the couch.

"I don't wanna talk about it." He muttered, making his way into the small room that was used for a very small office/storage room.

Jimin just sat on the couch, head tilting up to look at Hoseok and his eyes brightened.
He opened his mouth to say something, arm reaching toward the elder.

but before he could say his thought, Hoseok was going after Tae.

Jimin's arm fell to his side again and he continued to just watch videos on his phone.

Another loud noise from towards the bedrooms before Jin appeared in the hallway.

"J-Joon broke my pottery." Jin whispered.

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