The School Tour

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Jason's POV

I woke up and felt the sun rays heating my face. As I looked over my bedside table to my see the time, I realized my alarm didn't go off. Shit.

I quickly put on my black hoodie, ripped jeans and black boot converse. Then, I  grabbed my backpack, and ran to my car, not bothering to tell my dad I was leaving.

I arrived at school, and I'm fifteen minutes late. Everyone is already in class, but I don't actually care, I'm already late anyway.

I finally got to the first period and the teacher wasn't surprised I was late. I took my usual seat at the back of the room and didn't pay attention for the rest of the class.

When class was dismissed, I went to get my binder out of my locker. And just as I was closing my locker, a skinny blond boy that looked as if he had just seen his grandma naked, stumbled over and made me drop my binder. My papers got all over the floor, and people were already stepping over them.

"What the hell, man!" I yelled at him, "My papers were already shit, and look at them now! I thought shit couldn't get any more shitty." I started to pick my papers up, and he was about to get on his knees to help.

"I'm sorry, I—"

"Stop. Don't bother. Now get out of my way, I'll spare you this time." He looked at me with more terror than last time, but then stood up and walked away. This is why I hate people so much.

Everyone started to get to the second period and I still hadn't finished picking up all my papers. Soon enough, the hallway emptied completely. Great, I would get yet another tardy, which means I would have detention not only today but also tomorrow.

I saw someone step in front of me. I recognized those black polished shoes.
"Mr. Montgomery", said Principal Jefferson. I got so used to his existence by now, I wasn't surprised when he called my name for the thousandth time this year.

I sighed and continued picking up my wrinkled papers, "How's your day going, Principal Jefferson?" I said in the bright tone I always use with teachers I hate.

"May I speak to you?" He replied, unamused by my behavior.

"Aren't you speaking to me right now, sir?" I answered, still not looking up at him.

"Stand up, Montgomery," he said with a much more exasperated tone than usual. I stood up, gathering the last sheet of paper, and saw the green-eyed boy who made me drop my binder, behind Jefferson. I shot him an aggressive look, which he totally understood, so he looked away. He's afraid of me. Well, who isn't?

"This is Frank Sullivan, he's a new student," Jefferson continued. I don't like where this is going, "I see you arrived late to the first period, and now the second period."

"Yeah, my alarm didn't go off this morning," I said. I looked over at Frank, who was still looking at the floor.

"Do you even have an alarm, Mr. Montgomery? For all I know, your alarm never goes off" This comment made Frank giggle and look up at me, but when he met my dead eyes, his smile vanished and his gaze returned to the floor.

"So, Principal, are you going to tell me anything else? Because I should really get to class" I told him.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I was. So, you should have detention today and tomorrow, but instead, I will change those detentions for a big favor," Oh no, "Will you give Mr. Sullivan the school tour?" You've got to be shitting me.

"What if I say no?" I replied, without my usual bright and sarcastic tone.

"Oh, I don't think you understand, it's not a question. You'll give Mr. Sullivan the tour." For fuck's sake.

"Fine" was the only thing I replied. At least I didn't need to go to class anymore.

"I'll leave you to it" Principal Jefferson said, making the grin he always makes after punishing me. I swear this guy could murder someone and laugh in the meantime.

 He turned on his heel and walked away, leaving me and the spaghetti alone.

Frank's POV

I was still looking at the floor when the Principal walked away. I just want to disappear right now. I wish we hadn't moved to San Francisco. No one transfers schools in the middle of the school year, and even less if it's their senior year.

The tall, black-haired boy started to walk in the opposite direction from the Principal's office, and I followed without saying a word. I think awkward would be an understatement for this moment. 

"I'm Jason, by the way. I figured Jefferson only said my last name," the boy said with a not-so-friendly tone. I mean, I would also feel annoyed if I had to give the weird-looking new boy the school tour.  So I just nodded, still not looking away from the floor.

"Okay, so first of all, these big blue rectangles that are incrusted to the wall are called lockers. I have no idea which one is yours, so feel free to try to open all 500," he said sarcastically.

"I already know my locker," I answered hesitantly.

"Oh my god, he speaks!" he mocked. I finally met his eyes, and he looked way less threatening than the first time I saw him. His eyes were very, very blue. 

"You know it's rude to stare, right?" he interrupted my thoughts.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to," I apologized and looked away once again.

"You know, if you keep apologizing for everything you do, people are going to hunt you down. There are way more predators at this school, and not all of them like to spare," he paused for a moment. I guess he expected me to answer, but I didn't know what to say, so I just looked at him. We kept walking in the same direction until we were in front of the bathrooms.

"You need to look more dominant. Like an Alfa. For all I know, you look more like a puppy to me than a wolf," he told me. I didn't know what to do with this advise, and it certainly wasn't a compliment. Who does he think he is?

"Thanks for the advise, but I know how to handle my life," I replied, looking at him straight in the eye.

"Woah, there you go. It wasn't so difficult, was it?" I rolled my eyes, then he continued, "This is the lady's and gentlemen's restrooms. Outside," he pointed to a room that was by the side of the fields, "are the locker rooms with showers. So yeah, we shower after PE and the jocks also shower after games."

"Is it mandatory to shower after PE?" I asked, a little startled. We didn't have showers back in Florida.

"Well, it isn't exactly mandatory, but if you don't shower, no one will want to be near you and they'll eventually define you as 'smelly' or something of the sort. So it's better if you shower, just to avoid all glances and unwanted comments."

"It sounds like you've been a 'smelly' before" I teased.

"Yeah, freshmen year was a dark age. But what do you care, spaghetti." He said. Did he just call me spaghetti?

"Spaghetti?" I asked him.

"Oh Yeah, I'd love spaghetti, but our kitchens aren't that fancy," he answered. We started to walk back towards the Principal's office.

"No, I mean, did you just call me spaghetti?" I asked again, slightly more irritated.

"Did I? Huh," he said pretending to be clueless, "I'm sorry about that, spaghetti, didn't mean to upsetti," this was going to be a long day.

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