Reach the Bleach

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Frank's POV
As I sat at their table, everyone had their eyes fixed on me. The albino girl who told me to come had a huge smile on her face.

"Hey! My name's Ellie" she said as she extended her hand for me to shake it.

"Hello, I'm Frank" I replied and shook her hand.

"Oh, I know" she answered and continued to eat her lunch.

"You... know?" I questioned.

"Guilty," said Jason and raised his hand. He was sitting across from me and Ellie, beside a girl with a huge mane of brown frizzy hair.
I looked at Jason, but he didn't even bother to stare at something that wasn't his now empty plate.

"Hi, I'm Kianna. Kia for short." Said the dark-skinned girl. Her skin looks really soft and healthy, it seemed to glow. Unlike my sickly-pale skin.

I smiled at her and then looked at the boy who hadn't told me his name. I can tell he's an athlete, one of his arms equals to both of mine. He has slick brown hair and brown eyes. I thought Jason was tall, but man, this guy's tall.

"I'm Ryan," he said finally.

"And I'm Jason," Jason said, making me roll my eyes.

I sighed and replied, "Hey"

"So, Frank, where are you from?" Ellie asked me, her big grey eyes staring at me.

"Florida," I replied. She looked at me, expecting me to say more, but I've never been good at saying details. When she realized I wasn't going to say anything else, she spoke.

"Cool!" I gave her a small smile, mostly because I didn't know what to reply, but it made her smile wider than she had before. "Are you liking your new high school?"

"Ellie, no one likes the school in general," Jason said before I could answer.

"Actually, I do," I told him.

"See, I knew you were a nerd," he replied, looking at me for the first time in a while. 

"Oh come on Jay, give him a break," Kia stopped the soon-to-be argument.

"Just stating facts," Jason said and shrugged.

"Well, I guess you could say I am what you like to call a nerd. I like school and studying and reading. It's not an insult for me."  I said. 

"Ooohh and what books do you like to read?" Ellie said, which is completely off topic, but I answered anyway.

"Any kinds of books. As I study nonfiction, I particularly enjoy reading fiction in my free time."

She smiled and giggled a little. I don't think I said anything funny, so I don't know what she's laughing at. 

"Well somebody's smart," she said. To this point, I am so confused by the conversation that I broke the eye contact and focused on Jason and Kia in front of me. Jason looks like he wants to laugh but he's holding it in. He's about to burst into laughter, I know it. And Kia looked almost the same, but she had much more empathy in her eyes when she looked at me. 

"I'm done," said Ryan as he got up from the table, and making Jason immediately burst into laughter.

"Woah woah woah, somebody lost his temper," Kia said, trying to keep Ryan from leaving, "What's wrong?"

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