Great Party at Eight

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Frank's POV

I went to Ellie's house exactly at eight. Her mom opened the door and greeted me with a big hug.

"Hello Frank!" she said as she hugged me, "Come in, come in!"

"Hello, Mrs. Reynolds," I said as she let me inside her home and closed the door behind me.

"How many times do I need to tell you, Frank? Call me Trina," she said.

"Sorry, I forgot," I replied.

"No worries, son," she told me. Then, she pointed to the basement, "Ellie's downstairs, feel at home!"

I went down the stairs, and with each step I took, I could hear Ellie's voice louder and louder, along with some music in the background.

"Eric, why do you have to be here? It's my 18th birthday, not yours. You already had your birthday party!" she argued with who I assume is her brother.

"Ellie, please, it's just me. I've known your friends for as long as you have. I miss going to the same school as them," he begged, looking at her with pleading eyes.

"Why can't you make plans with them some other time? Why do you have to be here today?!" she continued arguing.

"Please, Elena, I'm your brother, I'm only a year and a half older than you. You turned eighteen today," Eric noticed Ellie's expression was still dead, so he changed his tactic, "I'll owe you one. I'll owe you a favor. Whatever you want."

"God Eric, why so needy today?" she replied, kind of confused by her brother's choice, "You hate owing favors. Even less if they're coming from me."

"Just do it, Elena. Take my god damn offer."

"Fine," she said with a grin on her face, "you owe me one."

"Deal," Eric extended his hand and shook it with his sister.

When they finally noticed I was standing there, they greeted me with a big smile, just like their mother.

"How long have you been standing there?" Ellie asked me.

"Enough, I guess," I replied, making both of them laugh.

"I'm Eric, by the way," her brother told me.

"I figured. She said your name before," I replied.

"Oh yeah, right," he said. Then, the doorbell rang and we heard the door open.

"Kianna! Ryan! Please come in, come in!" we heard Mrs. Reynolds say upstairs, "They're in the basement."

"Hey, birthday girl!" Kia told Ellie and gave her a big warm hug. "Hi, Frank, Eric. How are ya'll?"

"I'm good, thank you," I replied, "how about you?"

"Ohh, I'm excited," Kia answered, then she turned to Ellie, "did you tell 'em yet?" she told her with a grin on her face.

"Until everyone comes," Ellie replied, obviously as excited as Kia.

I had no idea what they were talking about, so I did as told and waited for everyone else to arrive.

A few minutes later, Ellie's friends arrived.

"Hi, I'm Michaella, call me Michie," said one of the girls I didn't know. She was shorter than me, which was kind of weird because I'm always the shortest one compared to everyone else. She also had a pixie cut, which made her look like a cute, small fairy. She had a small nose and hazel eyes that matched her hazel straight hair.

"Hi, I'm Frank," I replied.

"Hey, I'm Linda," said the girl next to Michie. She had chocolate skin and had big brown eyes. Unlike Kia's hair, she had very long, straight hair, and the tips of her hair were golden. She was so different from Michie, but she was just as pretty.

"Frank," I said and she gave me a smile.

"Hi, I'm Jason," said the black haired boy who just arrived and smirked.

"Hello Jason, my name's Frank, have I met you before?" I said, following his game.

"Huh, I don't think so," he replied and furrowed his brows, "wait, you're the dude who made me drop my binder and then made me give him the school tour, aren't you?"

"Okay, a) I already apologized for a hundred times, b) I didn't make you do it, it was the Principal's idea, not mine," I said, making him grin and then laugh.

"Yeah, I know. I just like messing with you. You're cute when you get angry," he said.

Jason's POV

Wait, what the fuck did I just say. Oh god, I hope he doesn't notice. At least he's socially clueless most of the time. Don't make it weird Jason, don't make it weird, for fuck's sake.

Frank's POV

"You're an asshole," I said and made him laugh.

"Yeah, I know," he said, grinning.

"Okay, people, everyone's here. I'll tell you what's up." Ellie began talking, making everyone stop talking and pay attention to her, "I turned 18 today, and as you may know, 18's the official drinking age in Mexico. We're in the U.S I know, I know, but my mom lets me drink today as a special occasion. I know you don't give a rat's ass about having permission or not, but my mom certainly does, so your parents have to be okay with you drinking today. The only thing I ask of you is precaution. Don't drink your ass off, be responsible. My mom told me that if you don't want to go back home tonight or if you can't because you're drunk, you can crash here for the night."

"Great!" Jason spoke aloud, and many others cheered.

"Do your parents let you drink?" I asked him.

"Well, it's not like my dad cares too much, but yeah," he said, "how about you?"

"As long as I don't get drunk, my mom's fine with it."

Ellie turned the music up and began filling red cups with beer. Jason grabbed one for him and one for me. Everyone began talking with different people and different topics, and I was by the corner, talking to the blue eyes I saw on my first day. 

The hours passed by, everyone was a little drunk, but only for us to be a bit more cheerful and open than usual. Then, Kia turned the music down, stood at the center of the room and said, "Guys, let's play truth or dare!"

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