Holding Broken Pieces

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Frank's POV
I can't hold my shattered pieces any longer. It's like everyone is made up of glass, and I'm broken. I try to hold my pieces together, but I my hands only get cut deeper, and it is so painful. It just hurts too much. My anxiety has made my nights sleepless since last week. I overthink every step I take, I don't even remember what thinking properly was. I am still taking my medication or at least some of it. I'm too afraid one of these days I may accidentally overdose because the pills are not enough to calm my anxiety, so I decided to stop taking some of them. I guess my mom noticed, because of how I look every morning I go downstairs, my body slowly decaying. I am a mess. I can't even look at myself in the mirror, I'm ashamed of myself. How could I've been so foolish to even think someone could love me back. Now, looking like this, I'm afraid no one could love me.

Anyways, before my anxiety gets worse and words can no longer function in my brain and my tongue stops working to say them, I have to apologize to Jason. So today, a week after my complete disaster, I am walking to Jason's house. He might not even be home, he has better things to do than to talk to me. However, it's more probable that he is home but he won't want to talk to me. Who would, though?

Jason's POV
The day finally came. I'm going to make amends with my best friend and end the utter awkwardness from this past week. I was a complete jerk and he has to know I'm sorry. I want to put what happened last week behind us, but I still want to try... a relationsh- I'm being stupid. I just want things to go back to how they were.

I get inside my car and drive to the location Ellie sent me that supposedly is Frank's house. I really hope he's home. God, what if he doesn't want to talk to me?! What if— stop. Breathe. Just drive.

At last, I arrived at Frank's home. I knocked on the door, and soon enough, a small blonde girl with green eyes opened the door.

"Hi!" she said with a squeaky voice.

"Hi, how are you?" I said with a smile, she was definitely Frank's little sister. Huh, he had never mentioned her before.

"I'm good! What's your name, sir?" this made me laugh a little bit, only my angry teachers called me sir.

"I'm Jason Montgomery, are you miss Sullivan?" I asked.

"Who is it, Jean?!" yelled a voice at the back of the house, most likely her mom.

"His name is Jason Montgomery!" the little girl yelled back.

"Do you know him?" the lady yelled again.

The little girl went silent for a moment, then said in a softer voice, "No."

"Then how come you opened the door to a complete stranger?!" the lady finally came to the light. She was a tall, skinny woman with slick blonde hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a "kiss the cook" apron over of her white shirt.

"I'm sorry about my daughter, she still doesn't understand that she is not allowed to talk to strangers," said the woman while looking at the little girl and then holding her behind herself, "how may I help you, young man?"

"I'm Jason, uh... are you Mrs. Sullivan?" I asked.

"Who's asking?" the lady replied, a little taken aback.

"I'm a friend of Frank's," as soon as I said his name, her expression softened.

"Why didn't you say so sooner?" she said with a smile, "come on in!"

"Oh, thank you Mrs. Sullivan, but I just came to tell him something quick."

"He isn't home right now if you want I can tell him you were here," she said, "do you want me to tell him something in particular?"

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