Smooth Truth or Truth

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Frank's POV

There were people who agreed and others that didn't.

"The dares always suck, no one says dare," Michie said.

"She's right," Ryan agreed.

"What about truth or truth?" Linda said, making most of the people say yeah, sure, why not.

We gathered in a circle and Ellie started.

"Well, I was going to say the name of my crush, but you already know so..."

"It's a very long list, Ellie, who are you kidding?" Michie said, making everyone laugh, including Ellie herself.

"True. Okay, let me think about something." Ellie continued and fell silent for some seconds, "Oh I know! Sometimes I eat a spoonful of mustard."

Everyone made a grimace of disgust and said ew!, but then Linda said, "That doesn't count! It has to be more deep, dark and revealing."

"Right..." Ellie started thinking again, "I'm a virgin. One time I almost lost my virginity, but I stopped a few seconds before actually doing it, grabbed my clothes and ran away. I've never seen the boy ever since, thank god."

Everyone was shocked, "Oh my god! and why did you do that?" Kia asked, absorbed by the story.

"I have my reasons. Anyways, it's you turn Michie," Ellie said and turned to Michie.

"Okay," Michie replied, "I have an intense crush on one of my mom's co-workers. He's old enough to be my dad."

"Damn girl, I didn't know you liked older men," Linda replied.

"Me neither. Until I met this man." she said with dreamy eyes and made everyone laugh, "Anyways, it's your turn, Ryan."

"Fine. I didn't know I was going to tell you like this, Ellie, but I can't keep it in anymore." Ryan said. Ellie looked at him in confusion, "I really, really like you. As more than a friend. Every time I see you thinking about another crush, it makes me so fucking jealous. I treated you like my little sister for years, but now, I don't want you to be my sister. Can I please take you out someday?"

Everyone was amazed, no one expected Ryan to like Ellie as something else than a sister. Michie, Kia, and Linda were squealing in excitement, and Ellie had her grey eyes wider than usual. Then, her shock melted into a smile, "I would love to."

We all cheered and clapped. "Okay, my turn's over, Kia you're next," Ryan said, obviously still distracted by Ellie's smile.

"Yeah," Kia said, "my truth doesn't have to do with love, unlike all of your truths. I'm sorry, I don't have any guilty pleasures to confess either."

"You're too pure for that, Kia," Jason said and made Kia smile.

"Yeah, right. My truth is that I always want to be good at everything because I have no idea what I want to be better at, and the idea of failing terrifies me, so my subconscious decided that it was better to avoid failure by being good at everything instead of the best at only some things. Now, I can't stop doing everything and I feel like I'm missing out on other things because I'm too responsible. Sometimes I want to stop but I can't." Kia finished.

"Well that was a deep truth," Ellie said.

"Yeah, tell me about it. It was so deep it took me years to dig it out and admit it." Kia replied, "But oh well, Eric it's your turn."

"Okay, first of all, I have to say that no one knows this, so please do not tell a soul," Eric said.

"Ooohhh, this better be good, bro," Ellie said.

"So, I needed extra money for college and other stuff, but my job was not helping as much as I expected—"

"—I knew you didn't get a promotion at PetSmart! Not ever Walmart would pay you that much." Ellie interrupted.

"Shut up and listen, Ellie. Okay, yes I worked at PetSmart, but no matter how many hours I worked, I wouldn't get nearly as much money as I needed. So I worked at a strip club for four months."

"WHAT?! YOU WERE A STRIPPER?!" Ellie exclaimed, completely shocked, and then started to laugh her ass off. Everyone was just as confused as Ellie.

"Yeah, that's how I got the money. Now you know." Eric said, "Okay, Linda, you're up."

"Right," Linda started talking, "So, I discovered my fifteen-year-old brother's porn last month, and was about to tell my mom, but then I watched it. You know, like, I wanted to know what my brother was watching. And it caught me. I really liked it, and I couldn't stop watching it. So I told my brother I wouldn't tell mom if he kept lending it to me."

Again, everyone was laughing. We weren't judging everyone by their secrets. In fact, we created a sort of circle of trust and everything you did was okay. I had never felt this kind of trust with any other circles of friends. And the crazy part is that some of them don't even know me, but they're telling us one of their deepest secrets anyways.

"Okay, it's my turn, isn't it?" Jason asked and Linda nodded. Jason chugged the rest of his beer and continued, "Okay, so first of all, not everyone knows, but my mom left me and my dad when I was in fourth grade and I haven't heard of her ever since." I couldn't believe what I just heard. Everyone around us had pity in their eyes and gave Jason empathic smiles.

"It's fine. I'm fine. I'm over it now. But I wasn't over it then." Jason continued, "So when I was in sixth grade, I still felt guilty about her leaving, and I don't even know why. So I just thought I deserved to be punished. And there was this man, whose identity I won't reveal for my sake and his, who did some really bad things to me, but I never sought for help because I thought that what he was doing was fine. Then I got to seventh grade, and the man kept physically and mentally abusing me, and I, as a stupid and foolish as always, kept telling myself it was fine. One lucky day, the girl right here beside me," he pointed at Ellie, making her smile and take his hand, "noticed one of my bruises. After hours of talking, she made me realize the man was wrong. She made me realize that it wasn't my fault that my mom left. She made me realize that I matter and I am enough. So I owe this beautiful birthday girl my life. Thank you, Ellie."

Again, the room was filled with shock, but this time everyone had a warm smile and empathic looks on their faces. Then we all started clapping and made Ellie and Jason smile a lot brighter. I felt really sorry for Jason, but I'm thankful he figured it out. I'm glad he has such great friends.

"And what about you, Frank?" Jason asked me.

"Well... My life isn't nearly as interesting as any of yours," I said as I looked at everyone around me.

"Oh come on, Frank, you've got to have something!" Kia exclaimed.

"Well, I'm almost sure I'm asexual, so I don't have any crushes or sexual urges, and uh... I've never been kissed." I said, trying to think of something interesting to say.

"Hold on. You've never been kissed before?!" Michie said.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"How?!" Jason exclaimed, his blue eyes wide in surprise.

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