Real Eyes Realize

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Kianna's POV

As November passed by, I noticed Frank and Jason grow closer together compared to how they were at first. Jason was a pain in the ass, as always, but Frank laughed more each time. I can clearly see their friendship growing stronger. But they ain't fooling me, at least Jason isn't.

I've known Jason since eighth grade, and he's been jumping from girlfriend to girlfriend, and I've never seen him truly happy. He can try to fool himself he's happy, but he will never fool me. I've seen the way he looks at guys. Sure, he also looks at girls in the same way, but what I mean is, guys are no different.

Since Frank arrived, he's been much happier, and he probably doesn't notice, but I do. I notice all the glances he exchanges with Frank, how he looks up at him when Frank is talking about something he likes, how he blushes when Frank shoots back an insult coming from him. He probably doesn't even know what he's doing or what he's feeling, but I clearly do.

And knowing Jason, he's going to need to be pulled out of the closet, because right now he doesn't even realize there's a closet.

I'm not making this up, I'm not the only one who notices Jason's behavior. Ellie knows, Ryan knows, even Ellie's mom can see it. But I won't push him. Okay, maybe just a little.

We were sitting in lunch, Ellie beside me, Jason and Frank in front of us, and Ryan on the side.

"Guys! Do you know what day's tomorrow?" Ellie asked eagerly, looking around the table.

"Saturday," Jason replied.

"No," Ellie said, a little disappointed.

"November 24," said Frank, making Jason laugh.

"No!" Ellie said, much more disappointed.

"We're just kidding, Ellie," Jason said.

"It's your birthday, of course," I said, making her smile, showing her high white teeth.

"Yes!" she said excitedly, "I'm going to have a party!"

"What? Tomorrow?" Ryan said, "I have a game tomorrow afternoon,"

"Calm down, sir, it's at 8:00 pm," Ellie continued.

"Is it going to be in your house?" Jason asked.

"Yup! You are all invited. I'm going to invite some other friends."

"You have friends?!" Jason said jokingly.

"Imaginary," Ellie answered and stuck out her tongue. Jason laughed and made Ellie laugh too.

"Okay, I'll catch you guys later. I'm going to tell the others."

"Ooohh, tell Princes Unicornia I said hi," said Jason as Ellie stood up.

"Of course I will, Jay. She misses you by the way," she answered and walked away.

"Who do you think she's inviting?" Ryan asked, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"I have no idea," I replied.

"Well, let's expect the unexpected, I guess," Jason said shrugging.

"She's Ellie," I said, "she's always unexpected."

The bell rang, making us sigh. At least it's Friday.

I went to Spanish class and took the seat beside Ellie, she was doodling on her notebook, as usual.

"Hola Ellie," I said trying my best Mexican accent.

"Buenas tardes, señorita Kianna," she replied with a big smile, "¿cómo estás?" she's always been the best at Spanish.

"Uhh... Bien?" she nodded, "Yes! bien, muy bien," she laughed and I smiled at her.

"What are you doodling today?" I asked her.

"Nothing, whatever comes to my mind," she replied, still doodling, "Oh my god, I didn't tell you."

"What! what's up?!" My favorite time is gossip time, and let me tell you, this is how Ellie always begins her gossip.

"Did you see Jason and Frank on Physics class yesterday?" she asked me, looking at me with wide eyes.

"No, I was sitting at the very front, they always sit at the back," I replied.

"Well lucky for you, I always sit at the opposite corner form them," she answered with a smirk, "they're so cute together."

"They aren't together Ellie, you know that," I said.

"Yet. They aren't together yet."

"Right," I said with a little laugh.

"Besides, I gave up on Frank a long time ago,"

"Yeah, I think you stopped flirting with him since he said he was asexual," I said, taking out my Spanish notebook.

"No, he thinks he is asexual. He's hella wrong," she replied.

"You don't know how he feels about Jason. Even Jason doesn't even know what he's feeling."

"Yeah, but it's Jason. I've known him since kindergarten. Yes, I've seen him make out with girls on my backyard, and I mean make out, you know like—"

"—I got it Ellie, no need to specify," I interrupted.

"Right, right, so I've seen him with lots of other girls before, but I've seen the way he looks at guys," she said.

"Yeah, I've seen him too," I replied. The Spanish teacher came inside the classroom, the class was about to begin.

"Exactly. And he will always deny it, but he can never make me forget all of those times I saw him checking out my brother, or look at him with hungry eyes," she told me in a half whisper.

"Who doesn't look at your brother with hungry eyes?" I asked jokingly, "I mean, damn he's hot. A four-course meal, in my opinion."

"Ew!" she exclaimed and pretended to puke. Then she continued, "Well, you got a good point though, hotness runs in the family," she said looking at me as if she was superior and flipping her hair, making me laugh, "But what I mean is, Jason swings both ways, I'm a hundred and ten percent sure."

"We can't decide for him," I said. I know Ellie, and she's probably planning something.

"No, Kia, we won't decide for him. We'll just make him... aware of his gayness."

"I'm not sure that's how it works, Ellie," I replied.

The teacher closed the classroom's door and began talking, "Buenas tardes, ¿como están?"

Most of the students replied, but Ellie ignored the teacher and kept talking to me.

"Come on, Kia, just a little push," she pleaded, "if we don't do this he's never going to realize it and will never be truly happy!"

"Don't pull the happiness card on me," I argued, looking at her right in the eye.

"Don't you want him to be truly happy?" she replied with her puppy eyes.

"Of course I do, Ellie, Jay's also my best friend."

"Then let's do what best friends do, let's help him," she pleaded again.

"How?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows, "Just please don't cross the line."

"Don't you worry, girl. I got this."

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