Clever Nameless Lover

69 11 3

Frank's POV

Michie picked her puppets, none of which were me. So I was left blindfolded, sitting down, silent. I was still processing everything that just happened.

A kiss. More like, The Kiss. The feeling was still vivid in my mind. What their lips felt like, well that was a whole other story, but in two words it sums up: unique and perfect.

Asexual my ass. 

I needed to know who was the other puppet. They made me feel things I had never felt before. For the first time, I felt vulnerable but safe at the same time. I had to know their name.

After Michie finished, Kia was Puppeteer. The ten minutes flew by. I just kept thinking about my ten minutes, the ten minutes that changed my life. Hell, the ten minutes that made me define my gender.

I wonder if the other puppet felt the same way, if they wanted to know who I was, if they felt different. If they felt like they needed to know my name and couldn't live without knowing my identity. If they felt like those ten minutes had changed their lives and turned their world upside down. I wonder if they felt special, or if they thought I was special. Because I, on the other hand, know they are special.

"Guys lets just end the game right here," Ellie said after Kia returned her puppets into their seats. I took off my blindfold and my eyes took a while to adjust to the light.

"Yeah, I was about to fall asleep," Jason said as he took off his blindfold, "Shit it's bright," he exclaimed as he put his hands over his eyes and blinked slowly. He stood up to grab another cup of I don't know what, it could be water or vodka. It was kind of late to keep drinking, so I hope it was water.

"Well, that was fun," Eric said with a smirk, interrupting my thoughts.

"Hell yeah," Linda replied.

"I'm glad you had fun," Ellie said and looked around everyone in the room. When her eyes landed on me, she stared at me for a little longer and then winked.

She knew. She knew who the other puppet was.

When she noticed I realized she knew about the other puppet's identity, she looked away and started talking to Kia about I don't know what.

"Ellie, may I ask you something?" I told her in a half whisper as she was beside me.

"Sure, just let me say something to the group," she told me and then addressed everyone with a louder voice, "guys! just remember everything's secret, so you can't tell anyone about your experience as puppet or puppeteer."

Then she looked back at me, and said with a small smile, "What's your question?"

"Can't you make an exception?" I asked with pleading eyes.

"Exception about what?" She replied, acting like she didn't know what I was talking about.

"Can you please tell me their name?" I said in an almost inaudible whisper.

"You know the rules, Frank. Can we talk about this another time?" She said raising her brows. I nodded, and she gave me a look that could only be read as "I'm sorry."

"So? Did you have fun?" Jason asked me with a grin as I returned to my straight sitting position.

"You know we can't talk about it right?" I replied, still bummed because of what Ellie just told me.

"Ugh, I hate that rule," he said and took another drink of his questionable beverage. Judging by the face he made after a big gulp, my guess is vodka.

"You should not be drinking that right now," I told him, but it only made him laugh and take another sip.

"You don't tell me what to do, spaghetti," Jason said.

"I'm not telling you, I'm just suggesting you."

"Well, I don't need your suggestions," he snapped back.

"Fine, keep drinking. Just don't kill yourself by doing something stupid," I replied.

"I don't promise anything," he said and took another sip, "do you want any?" he signaled the cup, but I shook my head. At my denial, he took yet another sip.

"Drink water, Jason," I said as I noticed the redness in his eyes.

He looked at me as if I was a living joke, "You're no fun, you know?"

"Just drink water, for god's sake."

"Okay, mom," he said as he stood up. I also stood up and followed him, I wanted to make sure he drank water and not vodka this time.

He grabbed another red cup and poured water into it. Then, he drank the whole cup and made a sound of refreshment. He poured more water into the cup and drank it whole again.

"Jesus Christ, when was the last time you drank water?" I asked him.

"Don't know. Don't care," he replied and filled the cup for the third time and went to sit down at his spot.

I rolled my eyes, even though he couldn't see me. I followed him and sat down.

"What time is it anyway?" Jason asked me when I sat down beside him.

"1 am," I replied.

"Huh. Well, I'm gonna crash here, don't know about you," he told me.

"I guess, I'll sleep here too. I just have to tell my parents before they freak out and think someone kidnapped me." I said and grabbed my phone to text them.

"At least your parents would care if you went missing," Jason said as I typed, "I don't think my dad would even notice."

"Don't say that Jason, I'm sure he would," I replied. I turned off my phone and put my whole attention on Jason, who appeared to be sad at the moment.

"How are you so sure?" he asked me, furrowing his eyebrows, "You've only known me for less than a month."

"I just do," I said in a serious tone.

"Right," he said, "you and your motherly instincts," he mocked, making me laugh at the unexpected joke. At least he wasn't too sad anymore, because my laughter made him smile and begin talking about 'how crappy his English assignment would turn out'.

"Oh, I forgot how bad you were at writing," I joked.

"Shut up," he said, "at least I don't have trouble reading aloud in front of people." 

"Hey, that doesn't count," I protested, "that's called stage fright, and it's quite common."

"Even though it's common, that doesn't change the fact you're a total loser," he joked, "besides, what are you afraid of when you talk in public?"

"Speak. Speak in public," I corrected and made him roll his eyes, "I don't know, Jason, feeling everyone's eyes on me as I speak and it's just..." I paused as I remembered the terrible feeling, "overwhelming. And not in a good way."

"You mean, I make you feel uncomfortable by looking at you right now?" he asked as he looked at me with a much more dominant gaze.

"I—" I had trouble finding the words to say, but it certainly didn't make Jason stop looking at me with those blue eyes, "—uh, no," I had to look away, but he got closer to me, making me lean back two times the distance he closed, "—it's just—" My breath got caught up in my throat, which made Jason laugh and go back to his proper sitting position. He turned off his powerful gaze, enabling me to breathe again. 

"Don't do that," I demanded as I adjusted my breathing.

"It's funny."

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