Class for a Smartass and a Badass

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Jason's POV

We fell silent after his last answer, but then the bell rang, making us both jump.

"Gotta get to class," I said as I stood up.

"Right. Me too," he replied, standing up too.

I walked away, leaving him a little confused, but soon enough he also walked away.

We went in opposite directions. I have math, double chemistry (aka hell) and art. I have no idea what Frank's classes are.

I entered the math classroom and took my usual seat at the back. The classroom was filled in a few minutes, with no signs of Frank, and eventually, the teacher came.

Math was okay, I guess. I actually learned something today. Now I'm heading to chemistry, which is going to be my death. I am The Worst at chemistry and today we have double class. I am seriously considering skipping class, but I really need to pass the semester, and right now I'm not doing a great job at that.

As I enter the classroom filled with other tired and complaining students, I see the curly blonde hair of a boy sitting in the front row.

"Hiya spaghetti seems like we're going through hell together!" I said. He turned his head and looked at me.

"Oh, hi Jason," he answered, "chemistry isn't hell, I really like chemistry"

"Ugh," I said disgusted, "looks like you're the only one who won't die here," I went to my seat at the back. I could feel Frank's gaze following me, but I decided to ignore it.

"Good afternoon class!" said the teacher eagerly. I like my teacher's personality, but I hate the way she teaches. I never understand a fucking thing, and I can tell I'm not the only one who feels this way.

She started teaching us more of Organic Chemistry, which is... never mind I have no fucking idea what it is. I just know it has to do with carbons and hydrogens. And something called Alkanes? or Alkenes? I can't recall.

So when the class finally ended, I was the first out of the room. I really needed my art class right now. Art class was one of the only places where I could express myself. Art always helped me unburden, I find it quite relaxing. And the best part is, there's no right way to do it, you can just put your feelings into the page and tell the public exactly what you feel without saying a word.

I went into the classroom and spotted my Aunt Trina. She's Ellie's mom, which you can totally notice by the way, and my art teacher. I call her Auntie, because I met Ellie when I was in Kindergarten, and then found out we were neighbors. We became best friends ever since. Trina has been a mother figure to me since my mom left me and my dad. And I couldn't be more grateful for her because she's always been there for me.

"Hey, Auntie!" I greeted Trina. She was wearing one of her pink floral dresses, with long necklaces, round earrings and a pink headband over her straight blonde hair.

"Hello, Jason!" she greeted back with a big smile.

I went to seat at the desk beside one of the windows. I chose this desk since the beginning of the semester because it had the best lighting in the room.

"What are we going to use today? Canvass? Or just sketch?" I asked her.

"Wait for the class to begin, Jason," she answered. She knew how much I love her class.

I waited for the students to come inside. I saw Kia, I waved at her and she smiled at me as she took her seat at the front. Finally, the last students began to enter the classroom, and I was surprised when I noticed one of those students was Frank.

He also noticed I was there. He came over to the desk I was sitting on, taking the seat beside me.

"I don't recall saying you can sit here," I said, making him roll his green eyes.

"I don't recall asking you if I can sit here," he said, "Anyways, now I get why you hate chemistry so much."

"Oh, really?" I asked.

"The teacher doesn't know what she's doing. She confused me and made me question things I already knew," he replied.

"Yup. Ever since I started taking chemistry classes I have no idea what the fuck's going on," I said honestly.

Trina closed the classroom's door, which meant the class had officially begun.

"Afternoon, children!" said Auntie, "Today we will be learning how to draw faces. We will be seeing this topic and sketching faces for what's left of this month and all of December. By the end of December, you will paint a portrait in a canvass, the person can be imaginary or not, the style can be realistic or not... I will tell you the rules later on, for it will be your exam. For now, let's just talk about today's lesson. First, we will be seeing the essentials of the face, which covers anatomy..." Aunt Trina continued to tell the class the lessons we would be seeing this month.

I looked over at Frank, who had his green eyes wide in terror.

"Let me guess, you've never drawn a face before," I said.

"Close, I've never drawn anything before," he replied, making me snort.

"You're kidding, right?" I asked.

"I wish I was," he replied.

"All righty! Let's begin sketching, here's a presentation if you're having trouble with the basics," Trina finished.

I took out my sketchbook and my pencils. Frank copied me, he took out his sketchbook and a pencil; a writing pencil.

"You're going to draw with that?" I asked as I began making my first face.

"Yes? What's wrong?" he asked, beginning to panic.

"Nothing, you can draw with anything. It's just, sketching is better with a drawing pencil," I said. Frank looked as if he just mentally facepalmed.

I finished making my structure lines, but something didn't feel good.

"I swear Frank, I can feel your nerves. Can't you just relax?" I don't think he heard me, because he didn't even look at me. Then, I noticed he was staring at his blank page as if he expected it to draw something by itself.

"Agh fuck," I muttered under my breath, "here," I gave him one of my drawing pencils, and he took it hesitantly.

"First draw a circle," I told him, he gave me a weird look, "just draw a circle, for god's sake."

He drew a circle, which was perfectly round for some weird reason.

"Okay, that's good, but you need to apply less pressure to the pencil," I said, "remember that what you draw first is just structure, which means you'll erase it later." He drew another perfectly round circle but with less pressure this time.

"Nice! Now, draw the jaw right here, and then make a vertical line down the middle and a horizontal line here for the eyes. Look," I drew the jaw and the structural lines, and when I finished he did the same.

"Okay, try to see everything as shapes. Draw the eyes, nose, and mouth," I showed him how I drew the eyes, the nose, and the mouth. Then, he proceeded to draw them himself. He had trouble making the eyes symmetrical. The nose wasn't too bad, but the mouth was just... Let me just say that if Barbie's mouth looked like this, Ken would run away.

I dedicated the rest of the class helping him. And finally, the bell rang. At last, Monday was over.

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