Cold Weather, Hot Chocolate

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Jason's POV

After a long while that I felt like time had stopped, we finally pulled away from the hug. We were soaking wet, but it didn't seem to matter at the slightest.

"Come on," I told Frank as I signaled my house.

"Oh! No," he said, his voice wasn't cracking anymore, "I gotta get home,"

"Yeah, but first we need to get dry," I said as I unlocked the front door and opened it for Frank to get inside, "there's no way we're getting into my car wet."

"I- I didn't ask for a ride," Frank said nervously.

"Did you really think I was gonna let you walk home with this storm?" I asked, but I didn't want to look like I suddenly had feelings for the boy in front of me, so I returned to my usual humor, "What if a lightning hit you?! I can't miss that. But that would mean I would have to walk you home and I'm kinda lazy."

To my surprise, he actually laughed, so the awkwardness that was left vanished. We were back at it.

"Shut up, we both know that between you and me, you would be the one to get hit by lightning," he replied, stepping into my house.

"You're right, but that's because I'm cooler than you," I replied with my cocky tone.

"Whatever you say, Jay,"

"So, you don't deny I'm cooler than you?" I crossed my arms in front of my chest and stepped in front of him. I could see him swallow his nerves.

Surprisingly, he copied my mannerism, stepped forward, and with the best cocky face he could manage, he said, "Yeah, because that means I am hotter than you,"

I couldn't help but smile, I even laughed at some point, and he did the same.

"I'm proud of you, my young Padawan," I said, as I took my jacket off and hung it on the chair beside me.

"Fuck off, Jason," Frank said with a smile and hit me with his sweater.

"Language!" I said and walked towards the kitchen. Frank laughed at my comment and followed me.

"So I have hot chocolate if the hot boy wants some," I said mockingly.

Frank rolled his eyes, "I'm not staying,"

"I never said you were, I asked if you wanted hot chocolate," I said, being as annoying as usual.

"No, I don't want your hot chocolate," he answered.

"Well, you could've just said that," I replied, "in my case, I actually do want hot chocolate,"

"Oh, come on Jason!" Frank exclaimed, "can't you just take me home and then make yourself hot chocolate?"

"Uh, no," I replied as I took out the milk and the hot chocolate.

"You're a hopeless case,"

"I'm gonna take that as a compliment," I answered with my usual smile.

"Of course you are," Frank said as he sat down at the chair in the counter and I made the hot chocolate.

Frank's POV

"While this thing is getting done I'm gonna get a towel for our hair," Jason said and walked out the kitchen.

I don't tend to lurk into other people's business, but I couldn't help myself this time. I began to look around the kitchen. Jason's kitchen a bit smaller than mine, it was messy but it wasn't dirty. Their refrigerator is filled with receipts and other papers hung by magnets, some of them are already overdue. I stumbled upon a family picture in the middle of all the papers. Jason looked about six years old, he had a big smile on his face, his slick black hair was all over the place. I assume the man beside him was his dad, we looked very happy too, he had a beard and a mass of black hair too. I smiled unconsciously. Then, I noticed there was another arm wrapped around Jason's neck. The hand had a beautiful ring on the ring finger, so I assume it belonged to his mother, who most likely got cut out of the picture.

"Having a fun time looking into our stuff?" Jason said I have no idea for how long how he had been standing there, but he certainly made me jump. He had two towels wrapped around his neck, and both of his arms crossed in front of him.

"I wasn't—" I tried to explain myself, but I got cut off by him,

"don't deny it, I saw you," he said, but before I could defend myself, he continued, "don't worry about it, I won't tell anyone."

I just sighted. He handed me a small towel for my hair. I died my hair, making it look way messier than it already was.

"You look like a wet dog that got hit by lighting," he said after he laughed at my explosion of hair.

"Not even half of that sentence makes the slightest of sense,"

"But you understood it anyway, didn't you?" He said, making me roll my eyes.

"The hot chocolate's ready!" He said, happier than I expected.

"Yay?" I said, putting the towel around my neck.

He ignored my comment and served himself the hot beverage. I can't deny it smelled wonderful.

"I have to say I'm surprised you didn't burn the house down in the attempt," I said.

"For your information, I am a wonderful cook. I make myself everything!" He replied, I wanted to ask where his father was, but I don't want to go to that topic, so I replied humorously.

"So you're a walking DIY?" I asked, looking at Jason take a sip his black mug.

"In the flesh," he said with a smile.

I stared at his mug and the hot liquid inside it. There was so much steam coming from it.

"If you want some, you can just ask," Jason said, taking me out of the void. I was shy to ask for some, so I just stared at his blue eyes for a few seconds, then looked away.

Jason stood up and took out the container with the hot chocolate.

"Uhh," he said, "I think I might have used all of what was left,"

"Don't worry about it,"

"Dude, your lips are almost blue," he continued, walking back to his seat, "we were standing in the rain for who knows how long, you might catch a cold."

"Don't worry about it," I repeated.

"Here, have mine," he said as he gave me his mug, "I just took one sip."

"I don't need it, you can have it, you wanted this more than me," I replied, not looking away from his mug and pushing it back to him.

"Too bad, now you'll just have to drink it," he said, pushing the mug towards me.

"But I don't—" I continued, but when my eyes met his gaze, my voice automatically muted itself, "thanks," I ended up saying.

Time flew by as I drank the hot and delicious beverage. The rain was still pouring outside, so we ran for Jason's car.

"It almost looks like we dried for nothing," Jason said in between laughs, we were both soaking wet again.

"I can't believe it's raining this much," I said as I looked outside the crying windows.

"Me neither," Jason said in awe.

He turned on his car and drove me to my house. We didn't say anything in the meantime, but the rain's noise made the silence less silent.

A few minutes later, we arrived at my house.

"Thanks for the ride, Jason," I said, looking at his eyes.

He didn't say anything, he was just staring at my eyes as if he got lost in them. Some part of me felt uncomfortable because I could feel my breath getting caught up in my throat, but the other part of me felt peaceful as if all the problems inside my head were being wiped away little by little. He kept looking at my eyes steadily, sometimes switching rapidly to my lips, but then returning to my eyes. It looked as if this time it was him who was fighting to keep his gaze on mine instead of the other way around. But finally, we snapped back into reality.

"Oh! Uhh yeah of course, whenever you need" he said quickly.

I smiled at him and got out of the car, running to my front door.

What a crazy day has been.

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