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Good Girl

"But I don't need a babysitter for myself now, Dad and Mom!!" I spatted.

"I don't trust you, y/n. You're a teenage girl." My dad stood like a rock.

"I'm not like those other girls for God's sake!"

"Ooh, Hun. Do you even know how we're about you?" My mom tried the polite way. I sighed.

"I know it, Mom. Can't I just call Claire to stay over?" I pleaded.

"No! Not her!" My dad shouted.

"But she's my only friend!" I cried.

"Only friend?" Mom gave me a suspicious look.

"Yes. My only friend I can trust." I rolled my eyes.

"That's it! You're staying with the babysitter!" Mom shouted.

"Fine! Just fuck off all ready!" I got irritated and forgot my language.

"Language, (your name)." Dad sighed.

"Sorry." I mumbled and went inside my room, locking it. I looked up at the ceiling.

Why do they have to go on a one and a half month business trip once in a year?
I wondered. I dialed Claire's number.

"Why the fuck aren't you sleeping?" She sounded sleepy.

"Oops. Is it the wrong time?" I giggled.

"No sis. I was just kidding." She laughed a little from the other line.

"I know right."

"So what's up?"

"Mom and dad are going on a trip."


"Yeah, again." I sighed.

"Awwwww girl. For how long?"

"One and a half month."

"That's a long time... Isn't it?"

"Yeah. And the worst part is they're keeping a full time babysitter!"

"That sucks. Oo, girl. I'll call you tomorrow. Ok? Good night."

"Good night, babes." And with that the conversation ended.

Next morning

"Bye, mom, dad." I kissed their cheeks.

"Bye kiddo. Take care. The babysitter will come in half an hour." My dad smiled. I nodded and waved at them. I closed the door and sat on the coach. I decided watch a episode of 13 Reasons Why (I've [author] honestly never ever watched it). I also talked to Claire.

Thirty minutes later
"RIIINNNGG!" The door bell rang. I got up from my comfort zone and walked over to the door. I opened it and saw a young man with pulpy lips.

"How can I help you?" I asked him.

"Uh, is this {a random address}?" He asked.

"This is the one."

"Oh. Umm.. So, hey. This is your babysitter, Calum Hood!" He introduced himself.

Wait a minute.... A guy babysitter?

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