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Nightmares And Chill

Your pov~
"KNOCK-KNOCK-KNOCK" I groaned and opened my eyes to see who the hell is knocking at my door at 3 in the AM. I opened and saw Calum. He had something behind him. He smriked and took the thing he had behind him. It was a gun.

"Y/n! RUN!!" I heard Luke scream. I turned around and saw myself in a alley, with Luke being shoot on his stomach. I ran in full speed and went to him.

"No! Y/n please run! He's going to kill you." While I was holding Luke I felt a sharp pain in my back.

"Y/N!!!" Luke screamed and with that everything went black.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed, as I luckily woke up from the nightmare.

"No no no Calum can't hurt me!" I thought to myself.

"Yes he can." My mind told me.

"I would never hurt you, Y/n....why do you think that?" I jumped when I heard Calum's sad voice.

"I-- I don't think that...I just had a nightmare...." I said. He sighed and came to my side, hugging me from the side.

"Wanna talk about it?" He said. I shook my head (idk how the hell you react if somebody ask you about your nightmare, so let it be).

"It's alright." He says and puts his chin on my shoulder, hugging me tightly. I hugged him back.

"So, what do you wanna do today?" He asks, after pulling away from the hug.

"Netflix and chill?" I asked.

"Sounds like a plan." He smiles and walks away, only to get back with popcorns, chocolates, chips, and lots of cans and bottles of Coca-Cola.

"Yey!!" I say as I grab a pack of chips from his hand and start eating it. He laughed as he kept all the stuff in the middle.

"You can call a friend if you want...the more the merrier!" He said.

"Ok! Wait a sec I'll call him." I quickly took out my phone, and ringed Harry's number. Meanwhile, Calum choosing what all movies we'll watch. Soon Harry picked up.

"Hi googi! What's up?"

"You wanna come over for Netflix and chill with me and Calum?"

"Sounds good! I was getting bored anyways! I'm on my way bye!"

"Wait wait wait! Call Louis too! I wanna meet him!"

"Ooookaay! Bye!" He said as he quickly hung up. I chuckled at how excited he got.

"They're coming." I told Calum who smiled and nodded.

"So what are we watching?"  I asked him.

"All series of The Ring, Insidious, The Conjuring!" He said.

"Horror movies, yey!" I said (lol sorry I love horror movies). Soon the door bell rang.

"Must be Harry and Louis." I said as I got up and hurried downstairs.

"Hi, you both!" I said as I hugged them.

"Hi! First time we're meeting! I'm Louis Tomlinson! Friends call me Lou, Loui or Tommo! Harry told me about you alot!" He said in a thick British accent (let me remind you that Lou and Haz are dating. LARRY EVERYONE!!).

"Hi Lou! I'm Y/n and Harry had not shut up about you when we both met!" I chuckled. Harry just blushed.

"Anyways, please come in!" I said as I moved aside for them to come in.

"Oh! I forgot that I've got six tubs of ice cream!" Harry said, showing a big bag in the air, and my eyes lit up.

"Reasons I love you!" I took it from him and ran upstairs.

"We're upstairs in my room! Come!" I said. Louis chuckled and took Harry's hand, and they both ran upstairs.

"Here." I lead them in my room.

"Hey there Calum! It's Harry. And this is --"

"Louis Tomlinson! Nice meeting you!" Louis said, making us all laugh. 

"Hi Louis and Harry! I'm Calum Hood, Y/n's babysitter." He smriked. They both nodded and smiled. I pointed at my king sized bed, and we all sunk in it.

"So what are we watching first?" Louis ss

"Insidious chapter 1!"

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