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Calum's POV~
"I-uh.... As you say sir." I smirked.

"Ok, take care of her and yourself.".

"Yes, Kevin. I will. See ya later." I said.

"Ok. See you later too." And with that he hung up. After throwing my phone on the bed, I quickly made my way to (your name)' room. When I reached her door, I knocked once.

"Get the fuck away from my door!" She shouted. I didn't respond, in fact I banged the door harder.


"I HAVE A FRICKING DEAL FOR YOU! RELATED TO YOUR STUPID ASS 'PARTY'!!!" I barked. And with that, she quickly opened the door. Her hair were all messy, and she was wearing transparent shorts and a

"Speak the fuck out." she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Don't use that fucking language." I gritted my teeth. She huffed, rolling her eyes.

"Ok, here's what happened; I called Kevin, telling him about the whole party thing. He said that you can go to that party in one situation-"

"What situation?" She cut me off, smiling lightly.

"I need to go along with you." She frowned.

"A party? With you? A babysitter?" She fake laughed.

"Isn't there any other way?" She sat on the bed, her head on her hands.

"No. That's the only way." I crossed my arms, leaning against the wall.

"Let me call Claire." She picked her phone, dealing the person' number.

Your POV~
"Hey Claire. I have a situation here."

"Speak out."

"I know that you're aware of Luke' party.".

"Yup. I'm going too."

"My 'babysitter' refused me to go. But then he called Dad telling about the fuss. Dad gave me the deal; that my babysitter has to go along with me. And I have a reputation there."

"Whoa. You're stuck in some deep shit..... Lemme think about an idea."

"Take your time."

"Ow ow ow! I got an idea! But first off, is he hot?"

"Umm... Yeah."

"That's super cool! You can introduce him as your boyfriend!!"

"I don't think he'll agree with that."

"You can get him what he wants."

"Get what?"

"What's his age?"

"22, maybe."

"You exactly know what guys of that age wants the most." She smirked.

"Ohh.... That." I smirked.

"Yup. That. Now go. Give me a text and I'll be there for backing you up." She smiled and hung up.

"What did she said?" He asked, getting bored.

"You know, I have a reputation out there. I would be so fucking embarrassed if they'll get to know that I have a babysitter. So, I want you to pretend to be my boyfriend." I casually said.

"How the fuck would that benefit me?" He thought and smirked.

"I'll do anything you'd say." I smirked.

babysitter; c.t.h Where stories live. Discover now