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Getting wasted

Your POV-
"One...two...three and go!" Claire counted as we all gulped our shots down. The burning taste hit my throat giving me some sort of sensation.

"Ugh this feels so good!" I exclaimed as I keep on drinking.

"I know right!" Luke shouted, drinking his drink.

An hour later~
"Fuuuuccckk! I'm wasted!" I screamed as I watch Michael and some blonde bimbo grind and dance together, Claire making out with a guy, and Luke, Calum and me seating on the counter, drinking a whole bottle of beer.

"Ahh! Me either!" Calum said as he took a sip of his bottle.

"Let's go and dance, babe." Luke asked me, taking my hand in his.

"Sure! Calpal, you wanna come?" I asked him, as he shook his head, drinking.

"Alright!" I said as I got up and went to the dance floor with Luke. A upbeat music came on the DJ and we both started grinding on each other. Luke's hands went to my hips pulling me close to him.

"Have I told you that you're looking so hot, hotter than the sun today?" Luke says as he bites his lips looking down me in the eyes.

"You've told me that hundred times, Luke." I smiled at him, bitting my lower lip.

"Ugh don't do that, doll face. It makes me get a boner." He says, as his eyes get darker every second.

"Oh really? I have such a big effect on you?" I said as I grind on him a little.

"E-enough, y/n..." Luke moans, as he closes his eyes. I don't stop, increasing my speed of grinding.

"I'm gonna fuck you so hard, now!" He eagerly put me on his shoulder and carried up stairs. Luke kicked a random door and closed it behind me. He pinned me to the wall and kissed me roughly, putting his hand on my ass, pulling me more deeply into the kiss.

"Mhhmm..ahhh." I moaned. He then threw me onto the bed, taking his shirt and then belt.

"WHAT THE FUCK, Y/N?!" A angry Calum bursted out the door.

"I can ex- OH GOD CALUM YOU'RE HURTING ME!!" I was cut off my Calum pulling my right arm forcefully from the bed, it was sure to be red afterwards.

"Shut the fuck up, y/n! You're gonna get punished for this, I fucking swear." He says throwing me in the backseat of my car.

"Wait till we reach home." He says, his jaw clenched. His hands were on the steering wheel, his knuckles going white.


Sorry for not updating on time guys! I hate myself💔

P.S~ Angry Calum on the top💘

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