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Late Night Encounters

Your pov~
I didn't noticed that Calum had slept on my shoulder, while watching the most boring movie, Pulp Fiction. Louis and Harry had been making out beside me, making me uncomfortable. I slightly shook Calum's shoulder. When he woke up, I pointed at the two guys making out. He shrugs and sighs.

"Let's go outside." I mouthed him. He nods and we both quitely go outside, leaving the two love birds alone.

"Fuck it's so cold out here. I should've worn a jacket." I say, as I shivered, because of the cold weather.

"Here, take my sweatshirt." Calum says, taking off his sweatshirt and handing it to me.

"Won't you need---"

"It's alright, just wear it." He says in a soft voice. I just smile and nod. When we got in his car, he asks,

"Where do you wanna go?" while starting up the engine.

"Let's just go on a long ass drive!" I say, full of excitement. I've always loved going on long drives, no matter how late it would get.

"K." He simply says and starts to drive. I took out my phone, out of my pocket and pushed the power on button.

7:00 PM, I read the time which was displaying on my lockscreen. After that I had put my phone back into Calum's sweatshirt.

"Turn on the radio, Cal! And please no noisy music at the moment." I say, as I looked at him, grinning.

"Ed Sheeran?" He asks, as he wiggles his eyebrows.

"Ed Sheeran." I nod, smiling like an idiot. He chuckles and put on songs on the car radio with his phone's Bluetooth.

//After an hour//
"Can we now, please, listen to One Direction?" Calum pleads, as he looks at me like a cute ass puppy.

"Why not?" I say as I tell him to disconnect his Bluetooth so I could connect mine to the radio. I tap on my 1D playlist I had created. The first song was Midnight Memories

//After another hour//
When we were blasting off the songs, the car suddenly stops, smoke coming out of the engine.

"Ugh this isn't happening right now!" Calum groans, hitting the steering wheel.

"Great." I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"What now?" I look at him.

"Let's walk." He replies.

"But it's past 9. Isn't it getting late?"

"Doesn't make any difference."

"Oh god fine! Let's go!!" I say, because I'm not in a mood for fighting with him. He smiles proudly and gets off the car. I sigh and did the same.

"Let's go and eat somewhere! I'm hungry!" Calum says, as he roams around the streets of this town (lol I can't think of a foreign name pardon me). I just look at him, my eyes narrow.

"Come on!" He takes my hand in his and we start to run. Soon enough, we see lots of restaurants and eat-out points.

"Let's have burger! And french fries!" Calum says.

"I'd like to have noodles and momos." I smile bitterly. What? I love Chinese food don't judge me (The only Chinese things I love; the food and Jackie Chan {no offense my Chinese peeps} 😻).

"Let's meet up at..." I say as I look at my phone watch,


"Yeah, ok." He say, as he disappears into the crowd. I look for a Chinese food stall, and find one soon too. It's a restaurant actually.

"Hello. What can we get you?" A lady came with a smile on her face.

"Uh... can I have chicken noodles, chicken momos and a coke?"

"On the way, madam." She smiles and looks at Calum, then asks,

"And you sir??"

"Same for me." He smiles, and the waitress nods, leaving us both on our own.

"You love chicken don't you?" Calum chuckles. I nod, grinning from ear to ear. Calum just giggled.

-after 20 minutes-
We chatted for a while, and soon our order came.

"Umm this looks so awfully good!!" I say, licking my lips and stuffing myself with the meals. Calum smiles and starts to eat. After we had our food, we the waitress comes with the bill in her hand. Calum puts his hand in his jeans and takes his wallet out. Before he could give the money, I did. Calum looks at me and makes a face. I just stick my tongue out.

"Thanks for the food!" I say aloud, then we both go outside.

"What next?" I ask in excitement. Calum giggles and say,

"Let's go to park." He says, taking my hand and running towards the park.

"Slow down long legs!" I joke, making Calum laugh.

"Never." He winks and starts to run faster.


Hi lovies! Long time no see! I'm sorry about that. I started writing this chapter at the end of November but I swear I didn't got much time to complete it. Anyways! I hope this chap was interesting and

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