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Shout out to my best reader Booklovinggirl06 ! Also, check out her story☘


Your pov~
On our ride to my house, none of us said anything. Calum is so angry and pissed right now, and he's looking really hot, I gotta say. When we reached, he took my right arm really harshly and dragged me into the house. He quickly unlocked the door and then dragged me behind him.


"DON'T FUCKING SAY ANYTHING!!" Calum barked, causing me to flinch. I shutted my mouth, he's already angry and I don't want to make him angrier than he already is. He dragged me in my room, throwing me on the floor. He then quickly went and came with something in his hands.
A rope.
I started to shiver. Hmm he's kinky, I thought.

"Get up and lay down on the bed." He ordered, in a dark voice. He's looking so sexy right now uhh, I thoughts in my mind. I got up and layed on my bed.

"Why Calum?" I asked, wanting to cry (but I didn't want to because he's looking hot as fuck rn) because he was tieing my hands onto the headboard.

"Because you've been a bad girl!" He shouted in anger.

"I don't have to ask you everything! I wanted Luke! I want him!" I spatted.

"You have to!"

"Why?! You're not my real boyfriend!"

"I may not be your boyfriend, but Daddy." He smirked. I bit my lip and said,

"Since when?"

"Since now." He then attached his lips roughly onto mine. His hand went to my hips, pulling me close. He slapped the left cheek of my ass. I moaned, and he took the chance and put his tongue inside my mother, exploring it. I tried to fight back his tongue, but failed. He then pulled away, leaving soft kisses on my neck. He soon found my sweet spot and sucked on it hard. I moaned loudly. Calum then pulled down the straps of my dress and unclasped my bra and threw it somewhere in the room. His large right hand massaged my left breast, and his mouth sucked my right breast. He quickly got up and removed my rest of the remaining clothes.

"You're so beautiful, princess." He bent down, and whispered in my ear, biting my earlobe softly. I bit my lip and nodded.

"Th-thanks, daddy." He nodded and thought a bit. An idea clicked and he said,

"Turn around, princess." I do as he says.

"Sit, and ass up." I followed his instructions. He took his belt off, admiring my arse.

"I'm gonna spank you 40 times, and you say 'thank you daddy' after each one. Got it?" He says. I just nodded.

"Use that pretty mouth of yours." He gritted through his teeth.

"Ye-yes, daddy." He nodded and smriked.


"Thank you daddy!"

After 40 painful but pleasurable spaks~~~~

"Th-thank you, daddy, ahh mhhmm."

"Good girl. Now go to sleep. Good night." He says, smiling and kissing my cheek. He had untied me and all.


Hey guys! Sorry the daddy kink sucks😭💕. And the ending sucks.


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