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Your pov~

"Have you been drinking, Calum?" I asked him silently. His eyes looked quite heavy, and I could smell alcohol in his breathe.

"Why do you care now?!" He shouted, as he threw his bottle (the one he was holding) in front of me, and I flinched.

"Where have you been?! Do you even know how much you got me worried?! I looked for you everywhere!" He angrily shouted, his eyes burning with rage. I looked down, not daring to look into his eyes.

"Answer me!!" He loudly says, holding my arm as tight as he could.

"You're hurting me!!" I tried to shook his hand off.

"I don't give a fuck!" He picked me up roughly.

"Put me the fuck down!" I shouted. He ignored me. When we reached his room, he locked the door and looked at me, a look in his eyes that were not familiar to me. He bought a tie from his drawer and tied my limbs to the bed. Then he got a black cloth, to blindfold me.

"Now tell me, where were you?" He said, as I felt an ice cub is being rubbed on my waist. I shivered at how cold it was.

"N-none of your be--business." I said in a low voice.

"Don't test my patience, Y/n." He said in a dark voice, the ice now being rubbed over my lower abdomen.

"Answer my question." He said, pulling my hair roughly.

"At a fr-friend's house." I said in a low but audible sound.

"Whose house?" He said, the ice now being rubbed at my back. I whimpered.

"You don't know hh-him."

"Tell me his name." He gritted his teeth.

"H-Harry...my old friend...."



I know this chap was short 🙁. But I needed to update anyways 😇.

Happy reading xx

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