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New Friend

Your pov~
"Let's go clubbing!" Claire said, as we finished watching a movie.

"Ok!" I shouted as we both got up.

"Fuck I've not bought any dress." I groaned, as I searched for a hot dress, but all I found in my back was cozy sweats and jumpers.

"You can wear my dress." Claire say, as she points out to her closet which was dumped with beautiful party dresses.

"I'm gonna wear this." I showed my selected dress to Claire. She showed a thumbs up. I winked at her.

"What are you wearing?" I asked her

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"What are you wearing?" I asked her.

"This one." She showed me her dress.

"It's so cool!" I exclaimed

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"It's so cool!" I exclaimed.

"I know right!" She giggled. We both put on our dresses and a bit of make up. When we were done, it was 8pm.

"Let's get going!" She screamed.

"Yeeeaaahh!" I screamed back, laughing. Claire and I both went into the driveway of her house, and she started driving. I sat on the passenger seat. Soon  enough, we reached to a huge club.

"Identify cards?" The huge dude at the entrance asked. As you know, me and Claire are under aged, so, we have fake identify to enter the clubs.  We both quickly showed him and went inside. (Fake identify ages~ 19 [Me] 20 [Claire])

"Fuck, this is huge." I exclaimed, as we both entered the club. It was so dark here, people were drinking, dancing, making out and what not.

"Let's get some drinks!" Claire says as she grasped my hand and leads me to the drinks counter.

"2 tequila shots." I ordered. The bartender nods and brought our drinks in a few seconds.

"Cheers!" We both clicked our glasses together and drank down the drink.

"Ugh, it's so fucking good! I need more!" I said.

"Me either! 2 more shots please!" Claire ordered again.

"I wanna dance! You comin'?" Clay says, as she got up, all drunk like me.

"Naaahhh I'm goood!" I replied. She shows me a thumbs up and walks up to the dance floor.

"Can I have a shot please?" I asked the bartender and he gladly nodded, then quickly gave me my order.

"Can I join you?" A male voice, in British accent said behind me. I turned around and saw a guy with super curly hair and green sparkling eyes.

"S-sure." I smiled a little. He's a piece of art.

"I'm Harry!" He smiled and extended his hand, to shake my hand. I smiled and shook it.

"Hey Harry. I'm y/n." I say.

"That's a pretty name! So, you're alone?" He smiled.

"No, actually. My friend is over there." I chuckled, pointing at Claire who was talking with a guy. He nodded and ordered a shot of vodka.

"You're British?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Is it that obvious?" He rolled his eyes and laughed.

"You have a thick accent." I giggled.

"Lol thanks." He says, smirking.

"Hmm.... I'd love to know you more!" I say like a kid. He chuckled and said,

"Hahahaha, sure! What would you like to know about me?"

"Anything. Like, age and all." I shrugged.

"Basically describe myself?" He questioned, raising his eyebrow. I nodded

"Hmm... I'm Harry Styles. I'm 19 years old and I'm born and raised in UK. I love singing and sleeping. I have 4 good mates; Liam, Louis, Niall and Zayn. They're my world." He smiled.

"Tell me about yourself too!" He says.

"Okay...... I'm (Your/Full/Name). I'm 19 too and I'm born in France but raised in Australia (if that's how you say it). I like to singing and writing, and obviously sleeping and eating. I have a few good friends; Claire, the girl I came here with, Ashton, Michael and Lu-" My eyes popped out my head.

"What's wrong?" He says, concern written all over his face.

"N-nothing...." I say, looking down.

"Don't lie to me." He said in a serious voice.

"You can tell me if you want." I looked up to see his eyes softened.

"It's just...alot happened today. It's the reason I'm here today, getting wasted." I say. He puts his arm around my shoulder, comforting me.

"Can we go outside?" I softly say.

"Sure." He got up, still having his arm around my shoulder. He rubs my back a little.
He's so sweet...

Once we were outside, I told him,

"My babysitter says that my best friend Luke, is in a gang.... And Luke says he is, and Calum too." I broken down in tears, as the memory flashed.

"Shh....it's alright. I understand. You've gone through alot." He comforts me again. I dig my head in his chest.

"Th-thanks, Harry." I weakly smiled at him, and he gladly smiled back.

"You wanna come over mine? We'd cuddle and stuff." He asked, still holding me.

"If you don't mind." I smile a little.

"Of course not! Let's go?" He says pointing at his black limo. I nodded and he smiled. Then we both went in his car.

"So...what brings you to Australia?" I ask, wanting to lighten up our moods a bit.

"I've transferred here because my mum wanted to start everything over. A happy start." He sadly smiled. I smiled and nodded a bit. I put my left arm on his shoulder to comfort him, he looks tensed and sad.

"Are you ok? You look tensed..." I ask with concern.

"It's just the past... I wanna forget it... everything... I want to start everything over and lead a new, happy life." He says, sadness in his voice.

"I understand. Don't worry. You can talk to me anytime you need anything." I smiled at him, he returned a sad smile.

I don't know why, but I feel like I've seen Harry before. I just can't remember it at the moment....


Holy crap, guys! I've got 160+ reads and 30+ votes?! It's so much to handle I love you guys alot❤.

As I said, drama is coming up, also, the kink and crap too😚.  I'm sorry it was all about Harry and you (don't lie that you don't loveHazza😛😉) . REMEMBER~ Hazz is a important character😀.

Love ya all,
Nims xx

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