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Past meeting

Your pov~
"Har-Harry?" I said and smiled, hugging him tightly. He immediately hugged back.

"Yeah, Googi?" He smiled.

He used to call me Googi all the time . . .

>>13 years ago<<
"Go give the cookies to our neighbors, Y/p/n." My mum said, as she gives me a plate full of cookies.

"Ok mummy!" I said as I took the plate, dad came and opened the front door for me.

"Thank you daddy." I smile at him.

"You're welcome, Y/p/n. Be careful." He said as he pinches my cheeks.

"Ok." I giggled and went to give the cookies to our neighbors. I knocked the door twice. Then a boy with brown hair.

"Hello! I'm your new neighbor, Y/F/N! Here are some cookies from me and my family." I smile at him and hand him the plate.

"Thanks dear! I'm Harry Styles. MOM, CAN YOU COME HERE FOR A MINUTE?" He called his mom.

"Yes hun- Oh! Hi darling! What's your name?" A woman who looked familiar to Harry, asked smiling at me.

"I'm Y/F/n, miss...." I smile at her.

"I'm Anne! You're probably our neighbor?" I nodded.

"That's lovely! And thank you so much for the cookies. They smell wonderful." She smiled at me, and then took a bite.

"And tastes equally good, too." She showed a thumbs up.

"My pleasure, Anne!" I grinned.

"Can I talk with your family, Y/n?" She asked with hope. I nodded and took her hand in mine, and leaded her to my house.

"Momma, our neighbor Anne wants to meet you!" I said, as I told Anne to sit on the coach. Harry soon came running, and sat beside his mother.

"Who is it y- Oh hi! I'm Amanda!" My mother smiled and hugged Anne. She hugged her back and say,

"Hey, Amanda, I'm Anne! I wanted to thank you for the wonderful cookies! They were so good! She smiled at her.

"Hahaha thanks, Anne." My mom said.

"Can I please invite your family to a dinner tonight?" She asked.

"If you don't mind."

"I don't, honestly! It would be my pleasure!" She said. They both exchanged numbers and talked. Me and Harry were getting bored, so we both got up and went into the backyard.

"Your house is beautiful, Y/n." Harry smiled.

"Thanks, Harry..... Hey, why don't I show you my home?" I said as I took his hand in mine and showed him my house.

"And that's why bedroom!" I said, as we reached at our final stop.

"Whoa..I thought it would be filled with all pink things!" He said.

"I like Tom and Jerry more." I giggled. My bedroom is of Tom and Jerry theme, I guess that's why he questioned.


Sorry for a cliffhanger and a short chap! My fingers are so tired lol. Anyways, hope you all would like this one.

Happy reading xx

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