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Your pov~
Me and Calum went to the park and played for hours. We played at the slides, swings, see-saw, monkey bar and in the sand. At the moment, we are just laying on the grass, staring at the sky.

"Oh god it's 12AM!" Calum suddenly said, his eyes wide and then smiling.

"Yeah I'm kinda tired...." I said, yawning.

"Me too." He said.

"Let's go now." He said, getting up and giving me a hand. I nodded and took it. Then we started to walk.

"But then what about the car?" I ask him.

"We'll come back tomorrow with a mechanic."


After 10 minutes*

We took the shortcut to reach home, and ended up getting lost. Right now we're both in a alley.

"Let's just call ub-" I got cut off by hearing gun shots and people running. Me and Calum turned around and saw a guy in black head to top and blonde hair,
Luke, in the most dreadful state and a tall man with long kinda hair, running behind him. We couldn't see his face in the dark.

"Y/n? Run!" Luke said, as he fell on the ground.

"What the fuck, Luke! I'm not running away!" I stated, getting on my knees and put my arm around his shoulder, slightly rubbing it.

What? I ain't leaving the person who was there when I needed him the most. Even if we a gangster.

"Oh! Look who we have here! Lucas' little girlfriend!" The man spoke loudly.

"Back off, whoever you are." Calum came from behind.

"Y/n, go home with Luke. I'll manage with this guy." Calum softly said, and started to beat that guy up. I obeyed him and took Luke home in the Uber.

~skip the ride~

"Ouch...aa..." Luke groaned, when I cleaned his face with alcohol.

"Stop acting like a baby. Be a man." I rolled my eyes.

"You know, I missed you so much. Not able to talk to you felt like living hell. I miss our conversations. I'll always hate myself for lying to you. I know you probably hate me for not trusting you. But even if you hate me, I'll always care about you, because you were the one who stood up for me when I used to get bullied. You were the only one who wouldn't make fun of me for having a different taste in music. You were the one who defended me from every bad thing. You were, in fact are, the rock of my life." He said, with so much emotions attached to every single word he said. I didn't even realize that tears were running down my face. A tear rolled down from Luke's face, then he started crying. I sniffed and say,

"I... don't know what to say, Luke. I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. I'm sure that you joined a gang for a reason. I'm so sorry for being so selfish and not thinking about you that time. Oh god I'm such a thankless person! I shouldn't have let you go! You were basically there for me when I had a fight with my family! You were the one who came up to talk to me when I transferred at kindergarden. You were, actually are, the only one who I can actually trust like a brother!" I said. He took my hand and kissed it lightly.

"Look Y/n, I wanted to explain why I joined the gang. You remember, that day when we went to amuse park on your 16th birthday?"

"Yeah... that time you were 17."

"Yup. That day, we encountered a guy, who was in a fight with another guy. You and I were both scared, and you screamed, making them turn their attention to us. The guy who was beating, came upto is us. I told you to run and you did. When you were gone, that guy made a deal with me."

"Wh-what was the deal?"

"The deal was, if I, or you, ever said anything about what we saw in the alley, the guy will kill both of us. He said that I will have to be in his gang, otherwise he'd kill you. I panicked and obeyed him." He sighed as he finished.

"You got in trouble for me?"

"Yes I did, lil sisso." He pecked my nose, chuckling. I brightly smiled. Then we suddenly heard the door open.

"You're alright, Luke?" Calum said, as he entered the room, without a scratch on his body.

"Yeah. Thanks to Y/n, and you of course." Luke smiled.

"How the hell are you perfectly fine?" I asked Calum, as he was perfectly fine.

"I'm a superhero, don't you know that?" E raised his eyebrow.

"Oh I surely do." We all laughed.


Hi my lovely people! It's me! The Nimisha!😺
I'm so grateful for 1.29k reads and 79 votes! It means a lot to me😭.  I love you all♥. Btw, can you guess who's "the guy"? I'd love to see what you all think in the comments! Till then,
Happy reading xx

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