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Friends but not friends

"Ooh... Hi... You can come inside." I moved aside and let him in.

"I'm (your full name), by the way." You smiled at him. He smiled back and nodded.

"A cute name for a girl like you." He smiled, walking around the house.

"Ow! How silly of me! Let me give you a little tour of the house." I said and started to show him around.

Twenty minutes later

"And that's my bed- holy shit I'm sorry it's really dirty!" I said and closed the door shut. The reason's all my clothes are everywhere. Every type of cloth.

"I- it's ok..." He mumbled, biting his lower lip lightly.

Two hours later

Calum's POV~

"Can you please open the door, Calum?" (Your name) asked me.

"Ok!" I said, running to the door and opening it.

"Hello! How may I help y- Luke?! The hell you're doing here?!" I panicked, as my mate suddenly appeared at the door.

"Calpal?! The hell you're doing here at (your name)'s house?!" He asked, confused and panicked.

"I'm babysitting her. Now tell me, what're you doing here?" I bitterly said.

"Ooh. My Cal is a babysitter now, OMG! I'm her friend, though." He dramatically said, then chuckled, telling me he's just her friend.

"Ok. (YOUR NAME), YOU HAVE A FRIEND!" I yelled, wanting her to know that she has a visitor.

"COMING!" She replied, coming down stairs.

"Ooh! Hey Luke!" She waved at him. I gave him a look, hoping he'd understand that I don't want her to know we're both related.

"Hi (your name)." He grinned.

"So what's up?" She asked him, crossing her arms.

"I just wanted to invite you to a party tonight." He shyly replied.

"I'd love to come!" She cheered.

"Cool! I'll pick you up at 8. Be ready." He winked and she nodded, smiling. After he went, I cleared my throat, causing (your name) to turn her head in my direction.

"Yeah?" She asked casually.

"You're not going in that party."

"I am." She spatted.

"No you're not."

"Why the fuck not?"

"Because you're gonna get drunk and do something you'd regret the next day." I bitterly said.

"You're not my dad." She sassed, putting her hands on her hips.

"Well, your dad hired me for that purpose." I sassed back.

"For what purpose?"

"This purpose; you'd get wasted and carry a child at a very young age."

"I'm going there! Stop me if you can!" She climbed the stairs, slamming her bedroom door. I huffed and went upstairs, near my bedroom door. I dialed Kevin's number [your dad. Just imagine it please].

"Hello sir?"

"Oh! Calum! How're you?"

"I'm good, thanks, sir."

"Great. So what's up? Did (your name) did something?"

"She didn't really did something.... She's invited to a party..."

"Hmm... Do you know who invited her?"

"This Luke guy invited her."


"She won't listen to me! She keeps saying that she's gonna go to that party." I explained him.

"Ok. She can go to that party in one condition."

"What condition, sir?"

"You're going with her."

babysitter; c.t.h Where stories live. Discover now