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Chapter 14
The Curly Boy

Your pov~
That night, Calum and I let Luke stay over night. We had a movie marathon till 4AM. Right now, I'm on the sofa, laying on my stomach, while Luke is on the other side, his arms folded upto his chest. He was snoring a little. Then we had Calum, who was on the floor, laying on his stomach, snoring loudly. I giggled and got up from the sofa. I unlocked my phone to check time, it said 10:19AM. I was hungry so I decided that I'll go out to grab something. I quickly brushed my teeth and took a quick shower got and dressed up decently. By 10:30AM I was ready. I took a paper and wrote:

Morning guys!
I'm going out to grab something to eat. Didn't want you both to wake up UwU. Anyways I'll bring something for you both though ;)
Lots of love
Y/n xx

And kept it on the coffee table, then I head out.

After 15 minutes of walk*
Right now I'm waiting at a queue to order. The queue is so damn long, I thought. After around 5 minutes, my turn came. I ordered some waffles, pancakes and an espresso coffee. I went on a table to eat, at the end I saw one, which had 2 chairs. I started to eat, when I saw someone approach.

"Urmm hi." He smiled, at him.

"Hi..." I awkwardly smiled at him.

"Can I, sit with you, if you don't mind?" He asked sweetly.

"Yeah of course." I smiled. I looked around, to see if there are any tables available, but there was none. He sipped his coffee and smiled at me.

"I'm Ashton by the way."

"Hi Ashton, I'm Y/n." I smiled at him. He seemed like a good guy, I thought.

"You have an awesome name hehe." He giggled, and I chuckled and smiled.

"So you're new in town?" I asked him, while sipping my coffee.

"Yeah. Just down the road, actually."

"Where if I may ask?"

"Hehe sure you can. I'm currently living in (insert a random address)." He smiled.

"Oh! That makes you my neighbor! I live there too." I laughed.

"That's great! You can maybe show me around?" He asked shyly.

"I'd love to. You can take my number and and text me whenever you're free." I smiled.

"Sure, here you go." He gave me his phone and I typed in my number, and saved my name as Y/n The Coffee Girl and gave his phone back. He giggled and gave me a missed call, and I quickly saved his number as Ashton The Curly Head . We talked for a little more while, then went out, together. On the way back home we talked too.

"I'll see you around." He chuckled.

"Sure." I smiled and said goodbye, then went in my house.



Btw my bff talkbesideyoushawn has an amazing book called "Choose", go read, it's worth it💖.


I'VE PUBLISHED A NEW BOOK CALLED "THE COFFEE BOY" (JONAH MARAIS FANFIC). I hope you check it out on my profile 💖

That's the prologue down below lol⬇

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