Chapter 7 | Secret

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It was getting late and it was time for Jungkook and Jimin to go home now. I thank them again for everything and give my number if they want to talk to me. They thank me for cooking them food and they walk out. I close the door and sigh loudly. I'm home alone again. I lock the door and walk to the kitchen. I saw the mess I made and start cleaning them.

Hours goes by and I check the time and it was 11:45 pm. Damn, I been cleaning for two hours. I finish up this last dish and sigh. I look at the table and there was money that I forgot. Before I grab the money, there was a note;

Jin this is some money so you can buy some groceries. Imma be late coming home again. I'm sorry love. I love you so much. Take care.
I put a little extra money so you can buy something for you. Like a snack ;p. See you soon
Love eomeoni xoxo

There were some little doodles in the note. I smile at the note and pick the money in my pocket. "I should cook something for eomeomi. Maybe her favorite, baechu kimchi. Yeah." I smile and grab the key, my phone, a jacket and my headphone and head to the store.

I finally made it to the store. Took me longer then I thought but I'm trying my best while I'm in pain. I got me a shipping cart and went inside to get the ingredients. I look around and have a little fun in the store just to keep me happy. I grab someone large napa cabbage, sea salt, Asian pear, korean radish. All I just need is scallions. While I was looking for scallions, I saw Jimin doing some groceries. I was going to say hi to him until I saw someone with him. I  quickly hid behind an aisle, and see who was he with. He look so happy with him, like they were a couple or something. They got close together and I saw their hot pink lips touching each other. I quickly took my phone and took a quick picture, click. They look around to see where did the sound came from so I quickly hid behind the aisle and wait until they left. They slowly got there stuff and walk away from where I was. 'Damn. That was close. I wonder who is the lucky person.'  I look at my phone and see very closely who it was. When I saw a little part of the face, I already know who it was. 'Is that Min Yoongi!' I look around and see if no one was around me. I grab my things and continue shopping and act like nothing happen. When I was getting some food, someone tap my shoulder. I turn around and it was him, Namjoon. He quickly grab me by the shirt and push me to an aisle, he looks so piss and I don't know why but I can feel the pain.

"Listen you little shit, delete the picture on your damn phone right now and never say a word about this okay." He growls. I don't know what's the big deal about it. They're like a couple now, he should be happy about it. But then again, Min Yoongi is one of those bad kids in school while Jimin is a good one that whats to be friends with but only me and Jungkook kid.

I can feel my heart beating faster and faster like I'm nervous and my stomach is feeling weird again like the feeling I had at school. He looks at me dead in the eye and I say no word. He throws me to the ground and can feel the sharp pain in my back. He grabs my shirt and pulls me close to him. "Do I make myself clear." I look around and see everyone is looking at us. "Sir, May I ask you to leave before we get our security." One of the employer asks him. He let go, brush himself and walks away. "Sir You alright. We do apologize what happen." I slowly got up and apologize to the employer for making a big scene even though it wasn't my fault. I pay my groceries and quickly got out of there.

When I got out, I took my headphone and start playing music and started to walk home. I can feel the cold air hit my face, seeing my nose turning red. When I was jamming out, my phone vibrated and I quickly took it out and see who it is, it was an unknown number.

|Unknown Chat|

Unknown: Jin it me, Jimin. Can you do me the biggest favor and don't tell anyone about me and Suga, please. I saw you before you hid the aisle.
Please. I know its wrong but I'm begging you, not to tell no one. Please Jin, for me. :((

I sigh so loud, not knowing what to do. Should I or should I not. I replied;

Jin:  Fine I won't say anything okay. Just for you, I guess. What about Jungkook. Are you going to tell him about this or no?

Unknown: NO!! I mean no, he can't know. Okay. Just not right now. No one can know about this.

Jin: Okay. I won't tell anyone.

Unknown: Thank you so much!! I own you one. :))

I click out of the message and went to my gallery and see the picture again. I feel wrong to keep this from Jungkook but if Jimin is ready, he can tell him. It just Jimin have a lot of explaining to do.

Change name: Unknown > Jimin

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