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Thanks for reading :)

A couple things to keep in mind as you read this. 

First, this story has been updated so if you read the original chapters, you'll want to start from the beginning. (I'm kind of sorry about that but I think you'll really like the revised storyline much better.)

Second, to preserve the original chapters and its comments, I've made them all private and put the word "archive" in front of the chapter title. Your words are important to me and I wanted to keep them as you originally wrote them. Also, you all are super encouraging and those initial comments helped keep me going during writers block. 

Finally, this is a Bucky x Maria story. Initially, I didn't plan on a pairing and based on feedback from original readers, it seemed that a Bucky-focused pairing wasn't ideal. Since we'd all just seen Tony cry about his mom in CA:CW. But to stay true to the characters and the journey I see them taking, they will end up together. It's not going to be smooth--can we say Hydra captivity?--but it's going to be like every other relationship--gloriously imperfect.

Ok, that's enough philosophizing for today. Thanks again for reading and feel free to comment, vote, or both.

Happy reading!

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