Chapter 6

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"Blood pressure normal." The doctor pronounced as he slid the band off her arm.

Maria nodded, watching him warily. Today, Bucky had been unallowed to accompany her. Something about overseeing some new recruits.

Recruits. As if. Most likely newly-brainwashed victims of another war.

Effing Hydra.

Maria's thoughts tumbled around as she watched the doctor converse with von Strucker. They mumbled a few moments together and then turned to face her.

"You're doing well," von Strucker announced, pleased.

Maria studied him. "May I ask a direct question?"

von Strucker nodded, seemingly happy with her acceptance of the power play. "Of course. You've complied with all our requests thus far and have made excellent progress with the soldier. Despite the challenges."

"Why am I here?" She shook her head. "I mean me specifically. What did you need done that only I could accomplish? I've no idea what my purpose is and what goal we're trying to achieve."

Maria phrased her question in such a way to sound non-threatening but also somewhat allied with them. Her cooperation added to that, they would be more willing to forget how dangerous she had been in her prime. A condition that they had returned her too with some enhancements.

The doctor sat across from her and at von Strucker's nod, answered. "The soldier as you have noticed is your former friend, James Barnes. He suffered some brain trauma that caused, and still can, immense pain. Zola was able to configure a technique that allowed him to move past the pain but still be a valuable asset."

In other words, they brainwashed him when he was too weak to get away and now he barely remembered his past. Maria nodded as though she believed them though.

"The pain is usually cured due to the reprogramming method--it's safe and efficient. But occasionally it does not 'stick.'" The doctor sighed. "In those moments, we noticed that he sought out you. Something in his subconscious finds healing in seeing you. Being around you. It's like medicine to his brain."

Maria nodded again, understanding why Bucky had resurfaced over the years. Never on their orders and never to harm her--because he needed her. But even his injured brain understood that to stay with her was a death sentence for them both.

"So I'm here to keep him stable?" She asked cautiously.

They both beamed at her. "Precisely," von Strucker replied. "You'll accompany him on missions at times but you're mostly here to ensure his mental stability and that he does not hurt himself, or others."

"Will I be told more about the reprogramming? Just so I understand what to expect from him?"

von Strucker shook his head. "No. Should he need to be reprogrammed, we would remove you from the vicinity. It's not safe for many to be around him and we can't risk losing you."

"Will I be able to see my son?" Maria almost held her breath after daring to ask the question.

A long silence filled the room as she waited. Finally, von Strucker spoke. "I can obtain proof of life for you on the soldier's next mission. However, an in-person meeting is out of the question."

Maria nodded. "I understand, I just need..." She bit her lip. Peg would have kicked her in the teeth by now but her inner-mom had to know about her son.

von Strucker clicked his tongue. "I too am a father and understand. Proof of life will be provided in a few days when the soldier returns."

Maria nodded again.

"Now," von Strucker continued, "I need to ask about the serum we found when we recovered your vehicle. Is there more available?"

Maria sighed and answered the questions about the serum truthfully. There was no point in lying as they had the existing vials. Howard would have put backup notes in his secret location but even she wasn't aware. Her work with Shield had made her vulnerable and he had reluctantly agreed to not tell her so she had less information to provide if she were captured.

Howard. As the two men continued their inquiry, Maria thought about their last conversation. She had chided him about his relationship with Tony and had given him an ultimatum--no new projects until he had helped Tony with one of his or she wouldn't be traveling on his next goodwill tour.

Howard had balked as usual but not much. He knew she was right and realized the time had come. A moment after agreeing with her and squeezing her hand, Bucky had run them off the road.

Maria squeezed her eyes shut and gasped.

"Maria?" The doctor reached out to touch her hand but she recoiled.

The door banged open and a dark figure filled it. Both men looked over to see their soldier glowering at them.

"What is it?" von Strucker asked calmly.

"Time for her training." The soldier replied blandly. Even though his eyes were focused on them all other senses were tuned into Maria.

She stood quietly. "Of course. My apologies, sir. I lost track of the time." Her footsteps echoed quietly as she made her way over to Bucky.

"Soldier?" Von Strucker called out. "The new recruits?"

"Still recovering from the serum."

Maria kept her gaze forward, pretending she didn't understand. The serum had to be Howard's and if they had used all of it, that meant several new people on base who could potentially take out Bucky.

The soldier continued glaring until they were two halls away, almost to the training room.

"You're crying." He said softly.

Maria looked at him startled and then felt her face. Sure enough, a few errant tears decorated her cheeks.

"Sorry." She whispered.

"Did they hurt you?" Bucky growled.

And it was Bucky. Maria stopped and looked up into his eyes. She rarely looked at him directly in public as he had his reputation to uphold. But now, studying his eyes, she saw hints of her Bucky peeking out. Her knight in shining armor was just hiding under the surface of reprogramming.

"No." She replied. "They asked me some questions that brought up bad memories." Hesitantly, she reached out to touch his human arm. His skin. "I'm fine." She said as she squeezed it gently.

Something flashed in his eyes and she wondered which memory was trying to surface. The times she held his arm to not lose him in a crowds. Or when she almost fell off the stool at the soda fountain and reached out for balance, clinging to his arm. Or the time he kissed her when they were on the docks saying goodbye before he shipped out.

A lifetime flashed through both their memories until a loud bang echoed down the corridor. Bucky shook his head and moved his hand to grip her elbow.

"Come. We're wasting time." He barked, ignoring the group of soldiers who saluted him as they walked by.

Maria nodded and fell into step with him. Hope blossomed and lifted her spirits a bit. She just needed to hold on a bit longer. Find out where Tony was and get Bucky more stable. If she could undo the brainwashing to some degree, he could probably get them out and she could hide him. Nick Fury would let her in at the nearest Shield facility--she'd saved his ass too many times for him to turn her down.

Today, she would train. But one day soon, they would get out and be done with this hellhole. 


Happy New Year, loves! Here's wishing great things for each of you. Don't sweat the resolutions. Just decide each day on one small step you can take to be an even better you. Life's a journey, not a race.

Happy reading!

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