Chapter 12

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"Hey honey," Steve's voice gently woke Maria from her nap.

"Hmmm?" She rolled over and looked at him. Not sure where she was she stretched and almost rolled off the small chair she'd fallen asleep in.

"Careful," he chuckled, as he steadied her.

Her eyes blinked open and she took in his face, sleepily. Ever since coming to Wakanda she'd spent a lot of time in Shuri's lab near Bucky and basically falling asleep wherever she could.

Steve had worried over her but Shuri continued to monitor her for any abnormalities and seemed confident this was just her body needing to recuperate.

But still--she fell asleep in the middle of dinner with T'Challa, his mother, and his fiancé. Maria had flushed a bright red the next morning when Steve recounted how he'd carried her out of the dining room and back to her bedroom. Nakia still smiled at her whenever they passed in the halls.

"What's going on?" She mumbled.

"I have to head out soon." Steve whispered. "Nat messaged that they found a job and I think I should help."

Maria sat up. "Of course. I didn't mean for you to stay so long."

"It's only been a few days," Steve chuckled. "Plus, they would be upset with me if I just dumped you here without making sure you were fine."

"I was hoping you would be here when he woke up." Maria said, looking over at Bucky's frozen form.

"You'll be here and that's enough." Steve nodded. "You will be here, right?"

Maria nodded slowly. "He'll worry if I'm not. I need to prove that I'm alive and safe."

"But after?"

"I need to go to Tony," Maria admitted. "It won't be easy to leave Bucky but there's no hope of reconciliation if I don't help Tony understand."

Steve rubbed her hand, still crouched next to her chair. "Walk me to the jet?"

"Ok," Maria stood and walked out with him. They chatted quietly until reaching the ramp.

"Be safe?" Steve faced her, holding one hand and smoothing her hair with the other.

"That should be my line." Maria teased. "But yes, I will. Just take care of yourself, please?" She brushed at some lint on his shirt. "He'll worry if you're being reckless."

"Promise." Steve leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. A moment later, he had disappeared into the aircraft and it took off.

Maria stood still, watching the jet leave.

"Are you busy?"

Maria turned to find Ayo behind her.

"No," she shook her head.

"Come," Ayo motioned and began walking.

Maria followed her, noting that she wasn't in her regular Dora Millaje uniform.

"Where are we going?" Maria asked a few minutes later after several twists and turns around the palace grounds.

"Here," Ayo stopped and pointed.

Various ranks of the Dora Millaje were in training. And it looked terrifying.

Maria had trained with Peggy, Jarvis, Bucky, and countless other talented fighters. But this group of women were a different story entirely.

"Do you need someone to fetch towels?" Maria squeaked.

Ayo smiled slightly and shook her head. "No. The Princess said you needed to start your physical therapy." She motioned to the training grounds again.

"Yeah but I'm pretty sure she didn't expect for it to end up in death. My death." Maria retorted. "I guarantee I'm not ready for this...pain and suffering." She waved her arms wildly at the scene.

Ayo's small smile grew a tiny bit before disappearing as she straightened her shoulders.

"We have a new recruit?" Okoye smiled broadly at Maria as she approached.

"Nope," Maria shook her head. "Not a recruit. Just a spectator. I can totally cheer up here and call out scores...or something." She bounced on the balls of her feet as she surveyed the nearest exits.

"Relax," Okoye chuckled. "I sent Ayo to find you. We have some new recruits who are learning everything brand new. They will be going at a much slower pace than the rest of the Doras. I feel it would be good for you to participate as you can."

Maria stopped bouncing and slowly nodded. "Now that sounds more reasonable. You," she swiveled to Ayo, "left a few details out. But I still think you're awesome." She smiled and nodded again. "Show me where to start."

3 hours later

"Just call it." Maria groaned. "I'm dead. Just call the time and write it down."

Ayo smiled as she walked Maria back to Shuri's lab. "You're not dead."

"Pretty sure I am," Maria huffed. "Give everyone my love. I left letters for Steve and Tony in my bag. Give them a big hug from me?" She groaned loudly as they slid down the stairs and she fell onto an exam table.

"What happened?" Shuri's amused voice asked.

"Pain," Maria whimpered. "And agony. Lots of agony."

Shuri chuckled. "I knew your muscles were slightly out of use but this is more than I expected."

"She's dramatic," Ayo shrugged.

Maria glared at her. "Thanks a lot, pal."

Ayo nodded at her, knowing it wasn't true dislike directed at her. "I'll see you tomorrow at the same time, yes?"

Maria nodded. "Yeah, I'll probably be here so stop by. If I've expired by then, you know what to do."

Ayo rolled her eyes and left while Shuri kept grinning.

"You have made a new friend." She told Maria. "Okoye thought Ayo needed to befriend an outsider especially with our new openness policy or whatever my brother is calling it."

"Oh right," Maria sat up slowly, wincing. "How is that going?"

"Well it's a bit chaotic but change usually is, right? Also, we're helping people and it feels good." Shuri nodded as she completed scanning Maria with her bracelet.

"So, doc, how long have I got?" Maria joked, still slightly wincing.

"You'll live. Just stay hydrated and get some rest. Your body needs to continue the exercise so you can tap into the strength I believe the serum left you."

"Right. In case Bucky gets a little out of control, I can step in." Maria frowned. "He'll be fine, right?" She glanced sadly at the chamber he laid in.

"I believe so, yes." Shuri patted her arm. "We have a plan in place for him to recover on the outskirts of the city. Fewer people and less noise to distress him."

"That sounds good." Maria jumped off the table, swaying for a bit. "Wow, I'm really out of shape." She huffed in annoyance. "Good call on the exercise, Shuri. I owe you." With a quick, painful, wave she was off to her room.


A/N: And we're one chapter closer to Bucky. Also, I have not watched the Endgame Super Bowl trailer yet...if there is one. I'm assuming so because a friend texted me something about it. I'll catch it later and we can talk about it in the next chapter. And when I say "talk" I mean "sob" because I'll be dead. Again.

Ok, have a great week. I might be able to get another update in the next couple days depending on work. If not, I still love you guys and will get an update up over the weekend.

Talk to you later!

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