Chapter 3

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A cough broke through her thoughts and she turned to see her guard--the Major, according to Bucky--staring at the two of them.

"Here," he tossed a small bundle of fabric at her.

Maria unfolded it to find a baggy sweatshirt, not at all in her size. She wrinkled her nose, just knowing it would be itchy. Ironic, right? Losing her family and identity but a scratchy sweatshirt concerned her.

"Thanks," she whispered.

Major grunted and started walking. Bucky followed suit so she hurried to catch up with them. 

"Where are we going?" She asked after they had passed down a couple more corridors. 

"Breakfast." Bucky replied.

During their walk, Maria could see him look over at her occasionally. It was promising that he seemed to be trying to place her. She was just counting on her current appearance appealing to his tattered memories and not at all similar to the woman he'd tried to kill recently.

Speaking of...

"How long have I been here?" She said aloud. Not really sure if either man knew or would bother to answer.

The Major just grunted again but Bucky looked at her. "They said three months."

She chewed as she thought about that. Not bad all things considered. She'd still have to help Tony adjust though. And the paperwork--there'd be mounds of it. But it would all be fine. Three months isn't bad at all.

They stopped in front of an elevator and waited for the doors to open. "Before that," Bucky continued abruptly, "we were at another base."

Maria jerked her head to look at him, missing the look the Major gave him. Bucky's glare back at him was terrifying but she was still focused on the news he'd just casually shared.

"Somewhere else?" She squeaked.

He nodded, motioning for her to step onto the elevator ahead of him.

Maria did so in a stupor.

They rode in silence but as the elevator stopped, Maria looked at Bucky.

"How long?"

He looked back and shrugged his shoulders. She could feel the Major's glare but ignored it. "I think several years." Bucky continued.

Again, he motioned for her to precede him.


Maria's heart sunk and the weight of everything hit her.

She wasn't going home. Ever.

Her Tony was lost to her and she would remain a captive with Bucky forever.


A/N: Yes it's short and I'm sorry about that, but it's a filler that had to happen to get us to our next chapter. 

Plus, good news! I know where we are headed for the current timeline, including Infinity War :) It took me a bit to piece together how it would work but after rewatching IW a ton, I finally have it. So a short update today, but overall progress on the writing front....forgive me for the delay though?

Thanks loves!

Woman Out of Time: A Maria Stark StoryWhere stories live. Discover now